1989 Whistle Blower protection act
Designed to strengthen the protections available to Federal employees against prohibited personnel practices. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-103/pdf/STATUTE-103-Pg16.pdf -
1998 Intelligence community whistle power protection act
Provides the opportunity to raise concerns about activities that violate laws and policies while ensuring protection https://www.lawfareblog.com/unpacking-intelligence-community-whistleblower-complaint 1998 -
2006 Garcetti vs Cebailos
Ruled that government employees do not have protection from retaliation by their employer under the 1st amendment "Garcetti v. Ceballos." Oyez, www.oyez.org/cases/2005/04-473. Accessed 16 Sep. 2020. 2006 -
2008 Scott Blotch resigns
Special counsel investigates complaints against Scott Blotch which he later resigned and was found guilty of obstruction of justice by illegally deleting computer files also retaliating against those who did not support his policies https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/sentencing-postponed-for-scott-bloch-former-head-of-the-office-of-special-counsel/2013/05/13/1bc6ff56-bbe1-11e2-9b09-1638acc3942e_story.html -
2012 Presidential Policy Directive
President Obama issued a presidential policy protecting whistle blowers with access to classified information which prohibits retaliation against employees for reporting waste fraud and abuse ttps://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/ 2012 -
2014 All Circuit Review Extension act
The United States House Of Representatives passed the all circuit review extension act which gives power to federal employees and whistle blowers that wish to appeal their judgement to any federal court https://blowthewhistle.com/circuit-review-act-passed-law/ -
2018 Trump Signs all Circuit Act into law
Trump decided to make the act from 2012 permanent providing whistle blower protection programs Whistle blowers now have more options as to where they can go to have their cases appealed, making it much more convenient for whistle blowers. Before 2012, whistle blowers that lived outside of the Washington D.C. area had to deal with not only costs of litigating in D.C. but also travel expenses https://www.passmanandkaplan.com