When Did Technology Start

  • Period: to

    When it started - Now

  • Phonograph was released

    Phonograph was released
    The Phonograph was one of the first music players to ever be invented. It was first introduced in 1877 and it was made by Thomas Edison.
  • Cossor TV first released (In the UK)

    Cossor TV first released (In the UK)
    The first Cossor TV was released (to the public) in the UK in 1937. It was a very nice TV at the time for the people who owned it, but then other TV's came into play and the Cossor wasn't very popular anymore
  • Philco TV first released

    Philco TV first released
    The first thing that the company Philco made was storage batteries. Then they decided to make radios, and in the 1950's they decided to come out with a product that most people would love; a TV.
  • First Cassette Player was released

    First Cassette Player was released
    The Cassette Player is music player that plays cassettes. This cassette player is made by Sony which is also who made versions of the CD Walkman. The first Cassette Player was released on August 30, 1963.
  • Atari first released

    Atari first released
    Atari was one of the very first game consoles made. And it was also one of the very first consoles to get released. (I still have mine :D )
  • The first Sony CD Walkman was released

    The first Sony CD Walkman was released
    The CD Walkman is a walkman that allows you to play CD's instead of cassettes. It comes from Sony just like the Cassette Player does, but instead of having to carry around a cassette tape, you can carry around a thin CD. The first Sony CD Walkman was released on July 1, 1979.
  • Nintendo 64 first released

    Nintendo 64 first released
    The first NES, also known as Nintendo Entertainment System, was first released in Japan called the "family computer" (FamiCom for short.) It was later released in North America in 1985 and got it's name as Nintendo.
  • Playstation 1 first released

    Playstation 1 first released
    The first PS1 (short for Playstation 1, 2, 3, or 4) was released on December 3rd, in 1994. The launch price for a PS1 was $299. Now you can find them anywhere from $10-$30. (I still have mine :D )
  • Gamecube first released

    Gamecube first released
    The first Gamecude console ever released was on September 2001, and when it first came out, it cost $200! They then lowered the price to $99 within a year. (I still have mine :D )
  • iPod classic was released

    iPod classic was released
    The Apple iPod is a much smaller music player than the Phonogrpah, Cassette player, and CD walkman. It's very portable and easy to take along with you on runs or things like that (you know, when you don't really feel like running with a boombox on your shoulder.) The picture below is an iPod classic. It was released October 23, 2001.
  • Samsung's first super flat screen tv released

    Samsung's first super flat screen tv released
    Samsung has made many other things from phones, to radios, to TVs. They released their best selling/best looking TV in 2007.