President Kennedy Assasinated
Shortly past noon, President Kennedy was assisnated while cammpaigning in Dallas, Texas. He was in a motorcade going through Dealey Plaza. Kennedy was in an open car rather then protected because he wanted to connect with the crowd. As the convertible passed the Texas School Book Depository, bullets suddenly struck Kennedy's neck and head. He was announced dead an hour later. Vice president, Lyndon B. Johnson, took the oath of office around 2:30 p.m. that day. -
V.P. Lyndon B. Johnson Assisanted
As Kennedy's caisson passed down Pennsylvania Ave. many people wept. Lyndon B. Johnson returned to his home to take in all of this emotional distress. As he enters his house, an unknown suspect sniped Johnson in the neck and head. These bullet wounds were identical to Kennedy's. It couldn't be Oswald because he had already been arrested earlier that day. -
Speaker of the House Inaugurated
John W. McCorack suddenly has to be inaugurated because the speaker of the house is next in line after the vice president dies. This causes a large uproar because not all of the people got to vote for him. There is only a small section from Massachusettes who agree with this. No one knows of his intentions and eveyone becomes extreamly worried. -
Protest Central
After this large uproar occurs among the people, a protest breaks out in front of the White House. For two days people were outside complaining about how they did not have a say in this election. America does not know of his intentions. The big question is: will he be able to suceed? -
The President Speaks Out
Amongst all the commotion happening in D.C. at this point in time, McCormack decides to speak out. He declares a presidential commision on the death of V.P. Johnson, in hopes it will please the people. This way he can find out what has been the cause of the crazy unfortunate events that happen this past week. -
Shocking Plot Twist
After one week of research, McCormack announces the 312 page final report, which informs the world that Sam Houston Johnson (Johnson's brother) killed Johnson. He was always jealous of his brother's astonishing political career, and the fact that he were to become president infuriated him. This resulted in murder. -
Plans for the Future
McCormack had a vast majority of Americans on his side after producing the report on Johnson's assassination. They gained trust in him. His demeanor had always been that he was a kind-hearted man who showed affection for others. This was all a facade and he truely had worse intentions. This day he announced on a special report that he wanted to bomb Cuba. -
Troops Move In
Ten days after announcing the attack on Cuba, the president sends in troops. He does not seek authorization because he argued it was a Security Council resolution. It was of their best interest to attack before Cuba shot missiles at us instead of the Soviet Union. -
The Attack Begins
Troops dropped bombs over land and sea in hope to scare away the Cubans. These bombs landed in the water right by Havana and on land near Santa Clara and Cienfuegus. One plane was shot down by the enemy causing the death of 5 U.S. soilders. Tensions rose between the two countries over the next day. -
The Big Mistake
At first Cuba had not planned on sending missiles into the United States. It was all a scare. Now that the U.S. bombed Cuba, they are infuriated, and are seeking revenge. Once again the nation goes againest the president. No one would be in this mess if it wasn't for McCormack. Protests break out in front of the White House for the second time! So far he hasn't been able to prove himself to everyone. As the people complain, congressmen contemplate impeachment.