
What would happen if the British did not win the French and Indian War

  • The French win the French and Indian War

    The French win the French and Indian War
    After 9 years of war, the French finally won against the British. Although the British were strong and powerful, the French did not want them to take over any more colonies. The French fought back hard and were now considered to be more superior than the British.
  • The Battle against beating Britain

    The Battle against beating Britain
    After winning the French and Indian war, the French were considered to be indestructable because they beat the most commanding nation during this time period. But, the fight did not just end yet.. France would not continue until they crushed Britains economy. So on October 21, after a month of preperation the French expoded 3 bombs in Britain killing over 1000 people. This lead the British to surrender and Britain was now considered part of the French terriotory.
  • The United States handed over to France

    The United States handed over to France
    Since Britain was part of the French territories now, they are demeanded to hand over thier 13 colonies in the United States. The U.S. was in complete control under the French. The picture of the map shows the amount and area of how many colonies the French and British had. But after October 28, all the colonies in the red were handed over and are now part of the French. Since the Spanish only had one colony, Florida in the orange, it did not bother the French because they were still in control.
  • The United States can't stand the French

    The United States can't stand the French
    After 2 months of French control, the United States was irriatated with them. They couldn't stand obeying the Frenchs demands and rules. On Januaray 3, 1776, the United States went into rebellion against the French. The United States was oblivious to how strong Frenchs army was, so they recklessy lost. No other country or nation dared to fight against the French.
  • French take over the golfcoast

    France was not done expanding yet, they decided that Golfcoast would be the best to add on. Before going into war with the Spanish, they decided the best thing to was to just surrender and hand over thier colonies in the golfcoast. All these colonies are requiered to speak French and obey to the thier laws
  • Brazil is taken over

    The French were very picky about what specific countries they wanted to take over. They had sucessfully taken over all of the countries in South America except for Brazil. Brazil was thier next target and they would have to take it over from the Portuguese. The Portuguese did not want to risk losing thier people so they peacefully gave over Brazil to the French on April 20, 1810.
  • France and Germany new allies

    France and Germany new allies
    Since Germany wanted to proceed in thier Holocaust plans and France was the strongest still standing the nation. They both united forces and helped each other through thier nations problems and the Nazi camps.
  • France declares War

    The French declared war on the Germans on October 15,1945. The Germans missused the French and did not know what they were getting into unless they surrendered. But they chose not surrender and still proceeded with the idea of war.
  • France wins once again

    France wins once again
    The war lasted for nearly 15 days and would have still been going on if the Germans did not surrender. The French only won again because the Germans were too occupied with the concentration camps. But they would not have to worry about the camps anymore because Germany is now part of the French territories. Since France is now in charge of the concentration camps, they decided to abolish them. The Jews were now free to go and more than half of the world is still controlled by France.

    Not until a year after the French realized the Germans were just stealing millions of euros from them for thier concentration camps. The alliance of these two countries were broken up. After this event, the French were unable to trust any other countries.
  • Present day of the territories controlled by the French

    Today, France is still in charge of the nations they took over before. The majority of the people that live in the United States of America are French or either know how to speak it. French is the offical language of the 13 states and every country in South America.