What Led to This?

  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta is signed

    The signing of the Magna Carta restrained the powers of the English king and gave the lords more rights.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Time when 1-2000000 Native Americans lived in ten major regions of Mexico

    Two of these major cultural regions are California and the Great Plains.
  • First English colony established in America

    The name of this colony is Jamestown and it was created by a group of merchants called the London Company.
  • African slaves brought to America

    African slaves were brought to America to work on tobacco plantations in Virginia
  • Signing of the Mayflower Compact

    The purpose of this document was to describe how the Pilgrims would govern themselves.
  • The First Thanksgiving

    First Thanksgiving at NPR.org
    The first Thanksgiving lasted three days and many of the staple foods we eat today for the celebreation such as turkey and pumpkin pie were not eaten at the feast until about 150 years after the first celebration. Turkey was popularized by a journalist during Abraham Lincoln's term when he declared Thanksgiving a national holiday.
  • First law in America on religious liberty

    This law was called the Act Concerning Religion.
  • The English taking control of New Netherland.

    The colony was taken over in 1664 and was renamed New York.
  • Fear of Witches in Salem, Massachussetts

  • Enslaved Africans in every colony

  • The First Great Awakening

    This movement started because people thought that others had lost their religious faith, as they didn't practice the faith with enough passion.
  • 13 British Colonies established

  • Crowning of King George the Third

    King Goerge the Third
    King George the Third was crowned in 1760 and it was widely known that he was poorly suited for the level of politics at the time of his reign with his limited intelligence, shown the choices he made with the colonists, such as increasing taxes specifically for them and by forcing the colonists to house the British soldiers that were there to control them.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act proposed by Prime Minister George Grenville required that a stamp be bought for every piece of paper used.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering act required that the people of the 13 colonies provide housing for the British Soldiers.
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts required that taxes would be placed on all imported goods from Britain, espaicially on commonly used goods such as glass.
  • The Intolerable Acts

  • First Continental Congress

  • First Constitutional Congress

    US First Constitutional Congress
    We learned that the first Constitutional Congress took place at Carpenter's Hall in Philidelphia. The colonies sent elected delegates to discuss a way to show the monarchy and Parliament how they had wronged them as well as to figure out a way to unify the colonies.
  • Revolutionary War Begins

  • Second Continental Congress

  • Paul Revere Warns Colonists for the arrival of the British

  • Common Sense is published

    The author of this book, Common Sense is Thomas Paine.
  • Declaration of Independence is signed

  • Treaty of Paris Signed

    One of the effects of the Treaty Of Paris is that the British left America and recognized America as an independent country.
  • British Surrender to America

    During War, the country France had become America's ally in war.