Dec 16, 1215
Magna Carta
It was originally made to make peace between an unpopular King and a group of rebels. It eventually promised protection of church rights and limited the power of the King. It significant because it is the start of a change in the power of the government. Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magna_Carta -
Dec 17, 1215
First Baron War Occurs
Rebellious major land owners (barons) who were supported by the army of the future Louis VIII of France waged war against King John of England because the King refused to abide by the Magna Carta. Is significant because it shows the violence that already started happening because the King didn't agree with it. Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Barons%27_War (The date may not be that exact date, I just needed to make sure that it would start after the Magna Carta) -
Nov 17, 1558
Coronation of Elizabeth I of England
Started a reign of acceptance of more religions, and the initiation of the Elizabethan Statement. Elizabeth was a very good queen and was much better than previous rulers at being at peace with the Parliament and being more acceptant of different religions, even though she did promote Protestantism. It is significant because she was a different leader that was more acceptant and well liked. Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronation_of_Elizabeth_I_of_England -
The English Civil War
Occurred because of disputes over the manner of the government and the distribution of power. It was mostly the people who were on the Parliaments side against the people on the Kings side. It is significant because it shows the different sides that there were and how people disagreed. Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Civil_War -
Charles I is executed for treason
Charles strongly believed in the monarchs having absolute power as they were chosen by God so therefore they deserved to have power over everything. His death signified that the Parliament now had a chance to take back its power, and eventually it did. Photo:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_I_of_England#Execution -
Glorious Revolution
When William, the Prince of Orange managed to invade England which would lead to him becoming King of England along side his queen, Mary II. This was significant because there were both well liked and agreed that monarchs shouldn't have too much power. Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glorious_Revolution -
The passing of the Bill of Rights
A set of basic civil rights. It set out the limitations of the monarchy and the rights of the Parliament. It also set out a set of rules for individuals. It basically put order to everything, and ended the absolutism, the limited monarchy was now the main monarchy. This is significant because it is fully showing the end of absolute monarchy and making new rules. Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_of_Rights_1689