Map of europe

What is happening in Europe in 979CE

  • 979

    The kingdom of France and the Holy Roman Empire have emerged from the wreckage.

    The kingdom of France and the Holy Roman Empire have emerged from the wreckage.
  • 979

    Vikings from the north, Magyars from the east and Arabs from the south.

    Vikings from the north, Magyars from the east and Arabs from the south.
  • 979

    Rules and laws were established.

    Rules and laws were established.
  • 979

    Peasants forced to build Castles.

    Peasants forced to build Castles.
  • 979

    Catholic Church become active in northern and central Europe

    Catholic Church become active in northern and central Europe
  • 979

    The Christian kingdoms of northern Spain have been able to chip away at Muslim power.

    The Christian kingdoms of northern Spain have been able to chip away at Muslim power.