What is Europe? Lessons from the past: 1648-1948

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  • Daniel Defoe's "(On) The Education of Women"(1719)

    Daniel Defoe's "(On) The Education of Women"(1719)
    Defoe argued in his essay that women should be educated beyond domestic duties and in languages, politics, geography and economy. Defoe says that it is after women receive this level of education can men finally judge if they are the "weaker" sex. Essay found here
    Image: Jean François de Troy's "Reading from Moliere" (1728)
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    First Industrial Revolution

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    French Revolution

  • Women's Petition to the National Assembly

     Women's Petition to the National Assembly
    After the 5 October 1789 March of Women on Versailles (image), women in France who were well versed in the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizenn," gender roles and slavery sent in this petition.
  • Coal Mining Industry

    Coal Mining Industry
    The Parliamentary papers on women in the mining industry describes the working conditions women and children had to endure. It includes an account of a female "drawer" and her life in the coal mines and at home.
    Image: Hurrier Illustration (1853)
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    World War 1

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    Inter-war Years

  • International Women's Day

    International Women's Day
    Tired of WW1 and shortages of food and resources, women went on strike and led a political march through Petrograd. They persuaded men from factories to join them in the afternoon of the same day, which escalated into a protest.
  • Campaign Against the Unemployment Insurance Act

    Campaign Against the Unemployment Insurance Act
    The Unemployment Insurance Act provided for lower rates of unemployment benefit for women and women were refused benefit if they rejected work in the domestic service (unlike men). Women were unsatisfied with it and thus campaigned against it.
  • Propaganda book for BDM

    Propaganda book for BDM
    The Band of German Maidens (BDM) was the girls' wing of the Nazi Party youth movement. The BDM used summer camps, tradition and sports to build a nationalist identity for women in Nazi german society, which is to be a homemaker. In wartime, they helped collect donations, visited wounded soldiers, and sent care packages to the front.
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    World War 2