What if Google was Sold to Yahoo

  • Seregy Brin and Larry Page meet

    Seregy Brin and Larry Page meet
    At Standord University in 1995 Sergey Brin and larry Page meet each for the first time and learn that they both have a comman interset, to make the internet a more user friendly resource.
  • Google gets it first name and moves sites

    Google's orginal name was Black Rub. This site was operated under the servers at Stanford University, but the web traffic for the site soon became to great for the servers at Sanford sot hey had to break out.
  • Google is its new name

    Blackrub.com offically becomes Google.com
  • Yahoo buys Google

    Yahoo buys Google
    Google gets bought out by Yahoo for $1 million dollars
  • Yahoo destroys

    Yahoo destorys all of Google top programs
  • Google X

    Google X
    Google X gets shut down so many top secret projects get leaked and never become reality.
  • Yahoo shuts down Google

    Yahoo shuts down Google
    In 2000 Yahoo shuts down Google
  • Google Plex

    Google Plex
    Beacuse Google was shut down Google Plex was shut down mid build and thousands of employess are unemeployed.
  • Project Loon

    Project Loon
    Beaucse Google X doesn't exsist anymore, Project Loon was never created. As a result of this many people in remote ares of the world arent connected online.