What have you learnt about tehcnologies from the process of constructing this product?

  • Blogger

    This coursework blog is my first time we have used blogger. Having never used Blogger before I found it quite easy to use due to its straightforward layout.I found I picked up on how to use it quickly. Using a blog has proven to be a great way for my group to write down all we've learned and how different techniques and research can help us create our final project. I liked being able to put all my research and planning on a blog that I can easily access and organise.
  • New Filming Cameras and Tripods

    New Filming Cameras and Tripods
    In this unit of work we got to use new video cameras and tripods. The new filming equipment wasn't too hard to use after using it a few times it was quite straightforward. The filming equipment was vital in creating all filming tasks from the preliminary and additional research film projects to the large scale final horror film titles.
  • Final Cut

    Final Cut
    Having never used Final Cut editing software before we found it really challenging and frustrating to use at first. However, after spending some time using the software we got to gribs with how to use it. Reading up online tutorials and help pages also helped us grow comfortable with the editing program and allowed us to learn new editing techniques.
  • YouTube

    This project also allowed me to create my own YouTube channel. Having never used YouTube for this purpose before I found it very easy to upload and share videos. It was really easy for pick up how to upload and embed my videos. I enjoyed using YouTube as it allowed me to keep a log of all my video projects online, making them easy to access whenever I need them.
  • PowToon

    PowToon helped my group create animated presentations. The website was used to present a piece of my groups genre research and our findings on horror conventions. Whats good about PowToon is it makes plain powerpoints much more interesting and engaging to watch.
  • Dipity

    Dipity was another good tool used in my groups genre research. My group member Beth created a timline on the horror film genre and how it has changed and grown over time. It's a good way to present information in a systematic and organised format.
  • Survey Monkey

    Survey Monkey
    Survey Monkey was a key piece of technolgoy used in this project. We used the online survey creating website to make our initial target audeince questionnaire. The questionnaire results were very important, making it clear to us who are target audience was and what they liked about horror films.
  • SlideShare

    Slideshare was used throught the project to upload word or powerpoint presentations onto our blogs in one document.
  • Prezi

    We used Prezis in this unit of work to create visually engaging presentations. Having used Prezi prior to starting this project I was used to the website and creating presentations on it. What I like about Prezi is that it allows you to create multimedia, proffesional presentations that have a creative twist. A Prezi is always engaging to watch and it was a great be able to use them in my blog posts.
  • Padlet

    We used the notes website Padlet to get audience feedback on our draft film treatment, a very important stage of creating our film titles. It showed us our audience feedback in an organised and straightforward format. My group memebers and I had never used padlet prior to this piece of coursework and we found that it was a creative way to present notes and text. Overall we liked using the website. It's simply laid out making it easy to use and navigate.
  • PhotoSnack

    This tool was used to create a pictures slideshow on our blogs. It allowed us to present images on our blogs in an organised and systematic order. It was quite simple to use as it has a straightforward website.
  • Footagecrate and Soundcrate

    Footagecrate and Soundcrate
    This website provided my group with copyright free sound effects and soundtracks as well as pieces of animated footage. Footagecrate and soundcrate helped my group create our final film titles and idents.
  • FlipSnack

    This is another image presetnation website , it allows you to create an online picture flipbook. FlipSnack gave my group the chance to include images on our blogs in an interesting format making them more appealing to look at then simply pasting them into a blog post.
  • Polyvore

    Polyvore was used to create a collage of the costume we wanted our actor in our final titles to wear. It was a good tool to help my group to plan and prepare prior to filming.
  • Voice Recroder

    Voice Recroder
    New sound and voice recording equipment helped my group create our final project. We used the voice recorders to create a surprised gasp sound effect, that we then added to our opening scene.
  • GoAnimate

    Go Animate was used to help my group answer one of the evaluation questions. GoAnimate allowed us to present information and facts in an entertaining and appealing format. Animations can be watched and information can easily be seen and heard without reading long pieces of text.
  • timetoast

  • Kizoa

    My group member Amy used Kizoa to help us answer one of the evaluation questions in an entertaing and engaging powerpoint format. Kizoa allowed us to present text in an interesting format that made it more appealing to read.
  • Bubbl

    The mindmap website Bubbl was also used to answer one of the evaluation questions. Bubbl allowed my group to present information and notes in a systematic and organised format, breaking down our train of thoughts. It also grouped our text and thoughts together making the text easier to understand.
  • Photoshop

    Photoshop is a good tool to allow us to present images in any design or format we want on our blogs. It was used in the evaluation stage of the project and also to crop and edit pictures on our blogs.