What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
The first technology that we used was blogger. It is used to blog our work. Some elements that have been added on blogger are; images, text, videos and sound.
Blogger is very helpful because it helps me keep on track with my lesson and what i have been doing and what everyone else in my group has been doing. -
Social networking
I used youtube to research videos, trailers, sound and other useful information. It was extremely helpful because a lot of the videos that we researched on youtube inspired me and gave me ideas which led to my final product. As well as research I also used youtube to upload other products that i have created so that it could be easier to enable them onto the blog. Twitter and facebook were also used to promote products that I have created to gain a larger audience. -
Video camera, camera and flipcam
Cameras were a technology that I used a lot. The video camera was used to video footage, the camera was used to take pictures of evidence as well as images for storyboards and the flipcam was used to record behind the scene footage. The cameras were useful because without them there wouldnt be any product or evidence. -
Final cut
After footage was filmed I then used finap cut pro to edit the footage. Editiing included putting clips together, adding sound & text and trimming & cutting clips. Final cut was useful because it helped me make a story and without it my prouduct wouldnt look smooth and professional. An example of a edit that i have used is a fade - in and out. This was used so the transition between clips were smooth. -
Sound cloud
One of the websites that i have used for sound is soundcloud. The reason why i have used this website is because it has some music with no copyright. Using this website was easy because it was clear which songs has copyright and which ones didnt. Soundcloud consist of both music and sound that can be downloaded or embeded. It was useful because without it my product wouldnt have any sound. -
Audio converter
To make files easier to import and smaller I used a software named audio converter One the file was converted it was then imported into final cut pro and inserted into the product. This software was useful because without it i couldnt use any sound files. -
Prezi is a sotfware used to make sideshows. I used prezi to make a slideshow for my premlim. In prezi you can insert images and videos. It is simple too use and you can delete, insert and amend features with just a click of a button. I prefer to use it over miscrosoft powerpoint because it can be enbeded easily and it looks more professional. -
I used time toast to show the title sequence. It was useful because i was able to put the title sequence in the right order, this was imporant because it maakes the product looks professional. On timetoast i was able to move the title sequences around by changingn the date. I was also able to add images, titles andl inks so that it was clear which sequence i was talking about. Also timetoast made it easy for me to enable a timeline onto my blog, which was extremely helpful. -
Motion was used to make the ident for my product. The ident is important because it is used to introuduce the distributor and the producer. In motion you can add text and images and animation. Movement can be added to the text and the images so that it can be made into an animation. The ident can then be inported into final cut pro and inserted into my product.