Election of 1844
The election of 1844 was a hard election for everyone. The candidates running were James K. Polk and Henry Clay. The ongoing problem for America during this time was how to take Texas from Mexico, which resulted in different idea's from both canidates. Unfortunately for Clay, Polk won the election and led us to our battle for Texas. -
Mexican War Continued
17 months of rebuilding costin $100 million and 13k casualties. There was also an issue of slave expansion into the new territories and upset balances between the North and South. -
Mexican War (1846-1848)
America trying hard to get Mexico, offered to buy parts of the country for sums up to $5 million. America was willing to buy California for any price. However Mexico didn't wish to sell it's land starting a war with America. This resulted in a two year war. Eventually America won and the Treaty of Guadelupe was made. The treaty was forced onto Mexico, forcing them to give America California and New Mexico, and America gave Mexico $15 million. This victory seemed great and all but it resulted in -
Fugitive Slave Act
The Fugitive Slave Act were a bunch of laws that allowed for the capture of runaway slaves within United States territory and enforced punishment on anyone helping them. This law was eventually repealed by congress in 1864. -
Prigg v. Pensylvania (1852)
So this one is a little tricky. Jerry Morgan, a freedman, and his wife Margaret who was also free, was captured by Prigg who stole Margaret and the kids, snuck them into Maryland from Pensylvania and proceeded to try and trade them. Prigg was eventually found guilty in violation of above state law but the Supreme Court reversed the decision and deemed the Pensylvania law unconstitutional. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was an anti-slave novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe, which laid the groundwork for the civil war. It is said to have pushed for the Abolitionist Movement in the 1850's. -
Dred Scott v Sandford
Dred Scott was a slave who was brought to free states and sold by his owner to Sanford who lived in a free state. Scott sued Sanford over the grounds of the Missouri Compromise saying he was in a free state, meaning he should be free. Dred Scott lost and still had to serve as a slave no matter which state he was in. -
1860 Election
In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected as president, after running against Democratic nominee Stephen A. Douglas. The time before his election there were the Lincoln-Douglas debates which focused on slavery and morals. Lincoln was able to win these debates along eith the presidency.