What can a tourist do in Linares when it's freezing cold?

  • Period: 900 to 1430

    In the morning

    tourists can have breakfast in a small but lovely cafeteria in the city centre. At ten o'clock they can go to the Raphael's Museum, it's next to the city centre, so, they can go by walk. After that tourist must take their coats and go to the Archeological Museum.
  • Period: 1430 to

    In the afternoon

    For lunch tourists can go to eat some tapas on Linarejos promenade where there are a lot of bars and restaurants. And after that go to another cafeteria to drink a coffee with some cakes.
  • Period: to

    In the evening

    Tourists can go shopping on the city centre where there are a lot of small shops, or visit the big shopping centre called "Corte Inglés", it has three floors. Then they have togo to the cinema to buy some tickets for watch a film at night, because they always end soon.
  • Period: to

    At night

    Tourists can go to a luxury restaurant near of the city centre, or if they prefeer go to a fast food restaurant next to the cinema, and after that, they can buy some sweets, candies and pop corn, or buy it in the cinema, but there is too expensive. Then, the film starts at ten o'clock, so they must go to the cinema and watch a new and great film. After that, they can go to a pub or a disco where they can dance. Or if they are tired they can go to the hotel to sleep.