
WHAP timeline

  • 18 BCE

    Hammurabi’s Code 18th century B.C.E

    Hammurabi’s Code 18th century B.C.E
    it was the first written code of law. It was written on stone pillars for the citizens to see so they could not say they were not aware of them, they were used to keep peace among the citizens as well as equal rights
  • 6 BCE

    Beginnings of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism 6th century B.C.E

    This marked the beginning of some of the most influential religions that began the beliefs of others, as well as the start of some colonies and empires that effected numerous others around the world.
  • 5 BCE

    Greek golden age 5th century B.C.E

    The golden age gave us numerous advancements like art, philosophy, architecture and literature. This was known as the building blocks of civilization from there on.
  • 32

    Beginnings of Christianity 32 C.E

    after Christianity was first started many people did not believe in it and it had to gradually spread throughout the world. It also influenced certain beliefs of other religions and changed many political and economic influences.
  • 333

    Roman capital moved to Constantinople 333

    the empire ruler finally moved from Constantine the great and renamed it Constantinople. Previously Christianity was banned in the Roman Empire but soon after the capital was moved it became legal.
  • 476

    Fall of Rome 476

    Fall of Rome 476
    Rome was soon divided, which weakened the economy and power they had from when they were unified. They mainly had slaves and relied on them for labor but they had so many it was able to rebel and the fall of Rome came soon after the split.
  • Dec 1, 632

    Rise of Islam 632

    Rise of Islam 632
    this was the first moment when Islam began officially spreading. It was a very gradual spread, many people did not believe in it as first although once they did the religion spread very very quickly.
  • Dec 1, 1054

    1st Schism in Christian Church 1054

    This was the final announcement that the western and eastern churches were finally separated. This took place in Constantinople soon after Christianity became legal.
  • May 15, 1095

    1st Crusade 1095

    The number of crusades attempted to capture the holy land. Christians from the Western Europe answered the pope’s plea to go to war with Muslims.
  • May 12, 1258

    Mongols sack Baghdad 1258

    Mongols sack Baghdad 1258
    The investment and capture of Baghdad it included invasion and destruction. It took place in the city of caliphs.
  • Apr 12, 1271

    Marco Polo travels 1271-1295

    Marco Polo travels 1271-1295
    He traveled extensively throughout Europe and Asia with his family. He stayed in china for 17 years acting as a consort.
  • Sep 14, 1324

    Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage 1324

    The elaborate pilgrimage by Mansa Musa to the Muslim holy city of mecca, this introduced him to rulers in the Middle East and Europe.
  • Aug 14, 1347

    Bubonic plague in Europe 1347-1348

    Bubonic plague in Europe 1347-1348
    The black plague that spread all over the world was especially bad in Europe because of everyone living so close together, thousands to millions were killed and it brought labor demand sky high.
  • May 27, 1492

    Jews expelled from Spain 1492

    Jews expelled from Spain 1492
    After the joining of the Catholics monarchs in 1492, The Jews were soon after expelled from the region. Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon were responsible for the order of expulsion
  • Aug 18, 1492

    Christopher Columbus sailed 1492

    Christopher Columbus sailed 1492
    Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic ocean with the praise of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella and landed in the present day Caribbean’s he named San Salvador
  • May 20, 1499

    France invades Italy 1499

    Also referred to as the great Italian wars. Italy refused to surrender to France therefore they bombarded their borders and took the land on their own.
  • Aug 19, 1500

    Atlantic slave trade 1500's

    this was the development of the Atlantic slave trade because of the increased work force needed in the sugar trade. Also used as forced labor among those who "owned" them.
  • Apr 19, 1511

    Raphael completes "The School of Athens" 1511

    Raphael completes "The School of Athens" 1511
    The famous artist Raphael completely the artwork as well as some architecture designs for the famous "The school of Athens". The artwork is supposed to represent the concept of philosophy.
  • May 24, 1521

    The fall of the Aztec capital 1521

    The fall of the Aztec capital 1521
    The fall of the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan in present day Mexico City by the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortez leading to the fall of the Aztecs. This also effected the economy of surrounding lands.
  • Jul 16, 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan led the first circumnavigation around the world. This led to the exploration and advancement of many things in the political and economical areas.