Mongol invasion of Asia Minor
The Mongols invading Asia Minor hindered the formation and progress of Muslim empires for many years. -
Founding of Ottoman dynasty
The Ottoman dynasty would become extremely powerful. They were one of the empires that were able to drive the Mongols out of their land. -
Shi’a influences enter Safavid teachings
Shi’a teachings would be very influential in how the Safavid dynasty was formed and how it carried out its actions. -
Ottoman capture of Constantinople
Renamed to Istanbul, this city was extremely important because it control lots of trade. -
Period: 1501 to 1510
Safavid conquest of Persia
The Safavids were able to conquer land to establish their empire. -
Ottoman victory over Safavids at Chaldiran
These gunpowder empires fought amongst themselves and against outside forces (they probably used gunpowder). -
Mughal Empire reestablished
The Mughals reestablished their empire in India, forming another of the gunpowder empires. -
Rajput and peasant revolts in North India
A common theme in history is the suppression of people, and suppressed people don’t like being suppressed that much. -
First Turkish-language printing press
Printing presses allowed for higher literacy rates, the spread of news and propaganda, and the spread of religion to all increase dramatically. -
First Western-modeled military schools established in Constantinople.
The West had influence of these empires, even if not immense amounts. Constantinople was also a military city as well as economic, so the efficient education and training of troops had to be employed.