• Fall of Napoleon

    Napoleon, the leader of France continued to pull new lands into his empire. Later, he helped German'y Unification. He had annexed lands along the Rhine river, dissolved the Holy Roman Empire and organized the German states into his Confederation of Rhine. However, his recent military defeats made him weak, creating an oppurtunity for other countries to attack. Napoleon was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo.
  • Cound Camillo di Cavour

    In 1852, Count Camillo di Cavour becomes prime minister of Sardinia, a kingdom that includes both the island of Sardinia and the Piedmont region of northern Italy. He used national alliances to achieve his goal of uniting the rest of Italy to Sardinia.
  • The Ottoman Empire Weakens

    The ruling Turks of the Ottoman Empire controlled Greeks, Slavs, Arabs, Bulgarians, and Amenians. In 1856, the Ottomans granted equal xitizen ship to all the poeple under their rule. That measure angered conservative Turks which caused tension in the empire.
  • Prussia-Denmark war

    Bismarck formed an alliance wit Austria then seized Denmarck's provinces and divided up the land.
  • Prussia defeats Austria

    With its victory, Prussia gained control of the newly organized North German Confederation
  • Bismarack's rise to power

    Bismarack's success was due to his strong will. He was a prime minister wh moved up to build and strengthen the Prussian army with money that was collected.
  • France declares war

    French troops abandoned Rome, leaving the pope undefended and the Italian army marced in to complete the unification process.
  • Birth of the German Empire

    The people of the Southern Gemran states and the NOrthern German Confederation supported Bismarck agter his victorious battles. They persuaded him to become kaiser and pronounced him Emperor of Germany.