Westward Expantion

  • Daniel Boone

    Daniel Boone
    Daniel Boone explored Kentucky first! He had stayed there for a while. Also he had made paths, so he wouldn't get lost. He did some other thing as well.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson the president bought the Louisiana Territory from France for 15 million dollars. It doubled the size of the U.S.A. The size of the purchase land was about 827,000 square miles.
  • Indian Removal Act

    On the east side of the Mississippi river tons of Native Americans lived. The Indian removal act was passed in 1830. It was made so the U.S. president could force the Native Americans. That had made it able for the U.S. citizens to move in to the area.
  • Trail Of Tears

    Trail Of Tears
    Just one year after the Indian removal Act had been passed Native Americans had started to travel out. It came a big problem ,yet the Indians really could do nothing. Many of them died along the way. The Indians had died of sickness, hunger, also other things. While U.S. citizens moved in.
  • Texas is a state?!

    The U.S. finally makes Texas a state! Mexico didn't agree. That lead to The Mexican-American war
  • The Mexican-American war

    they fought for rights for Texas. After The war the U.S. paid the Mexicans fifteen million dollars for land. The land will soon be called California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Utah. Also other parts of states.
  • Oregon Treaty

    Oregon Treaty
    The Oregon county was part of the expansion. People had argued over the Oregon county. British and American were the ones that had argued. They finally had came to an agreement. They were going to share the land.
  • Manifest Destiny

    A journalist named John O'Sullivan had used a term. That term was for the westward expansion. The term was "Manifest Destiny".
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    People built a way faster way to travel. Instead of wagons and horses they made trains. That means they built railroads for them. Guess where they would go to! They would all meet near the center of the U.S. They come from all around the U.S.
  • Expansion in the north west

    Some extra areas had became the newest states! the new states are North Dakota, Washington, and Montana.