Westward Expansion Timeline

By raineeh
  • Period: to

    The Louisiana Purchase Treaty is Signed

    The treaty was dated April 30, 1803, but was not signed until May 2, 1803. Though it was signed on May 2nd, it was not ratified until October of 1803, and France did not give the United States the land until December of 1803.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Congress passed a law, which removed the Native Americans from the southeast of the Mississippi River to the West
  • The Oregon Trail

    The US created an immigrant trail which was roughly 2,000 miles long.
  • Texas Becomes a US state

    The United States acquired Texas, and made it their own state.
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    The Mexican-American War

    The Mexican-American War first started to fight for the rights to Texas, but ended with us paying Mexico fifteen million dollars for the property that soon becam California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and small parts of other states.
  • The Oregon Treaty was Signed

    England signed the Oregon Treaty, which gave the state of Oregon to the United States of America.
  • The Gold Rush Begins

    The California Gold Rush, which lasted for the next seven years, began. This brought a huge flow of people, who settled in the area.
  • The Homestead Act was Passed

    This act stated that the government would offer free land for five years to farmers who promised to fix it up and make it better, while they inhabited it.
  • The Pacific Railway Act was Passed

    This act stated that the US government would help with the funding of the railroad stretching from California to Missouri.