The Bill of rights
The Bill of rights was ratified on december 15, 1791. The Bill of Rights is a document disscusing the rights each American has. Amendments:1. Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly.2: The right to Bare arms.3: Quartering soilders.4: The right to no unreasonable search and seizure. 5: The right to not have to testify against your self. 6: Right to a fast trial.7: The right to a gury of your peers. 8. Right to no cruel and unusual punishment. 9.More Rights than stated.10. States can make more laws. -
The Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana purchase was when America purchased Louisiana from Napolean because he wanted to sell it before he lost it in war and make a pretty penny on it. America bought it to expand their land, and stop their slaves from escaping to go to Texas, Louisiana, Newmexico, and Californa. -
Louis and Clark Expidition
Lewis and Clark set off on a journey to explore the unknown land Americans had just bought . Their job was to create a map of the land for settlers to travel on and get to their new settlement. Sacagawea helped them along the way to get to the pacific ocean through mountains and forests. -
Florida becomes a United State
There is no exact date of when the U.S bought Florida, accept that it was in 1819. The day Florida became a true U.S state was on March 3, 1845. The United States bought Florida from Spain for 5 million dollars. -
Indian Removal Act
During the Indian Removal act, the United States said that any Native Americans could either stay and get killed, or leave and hope not to get robbed, or killed. The Indians were forced to leave their Native land due to the ignorance of the Americans who thought killing inocent people was their destiny. -
The Trail of Tears
The trail of tears is due to the Indian Removalk act by Andrew Jackson. This road they made is from their carriges, their farm animals, and their essenitals. They were being forced to leave native land and culture behind. The amount of sadness in this trail is incredible. "Paved with tears" .The Indians were trying to move down to Mexico for freedom, but will soon be forced out. 1838-1839. -
Mexican American War
1846-1848, The Mexican American war was over land. Who owned Texas? Olklahome? Newmexico? Was Mexico just going to let America step all over them and take their land again like at Florida? Of course not. This war was one of the most famous wars in American history. At this time America didn't needd any extra land, they had already bought the entire louisiana purchase. But like spoiled kids America lost lives over a simple piece of land. Soon the war was over, and America won. -
Transcontinental Railroad
The Transcontinentakl railroad, was a railroad used by Americans to travel from state to state. The rail road changed travel for ever, the rail road was a shock and completely a twist towards future. This only inhanced new ideas to emerge.