Westward Expansion

  • Fugitive Slave Act #1

    Fugitive Slave Act #1
    What did the first fugitive slave act say? The act allowed any slaveholder to capture a suspected runaway slave and bring the slave before a judge.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson he wanted the port of New Orleans so he could export American goods around the world for money. France accepted the negotiation and sold the Louisiana territory so they could get money because they were on the brink of war with Britain.
  • Acquisition of Florida- Treaty of Adam-Onis

    Acquisition of Florida- Treaty of Adam-Onis
    The United States invaded Florida illegally and took it over to stop runaway slaves hiding out in Florida and to stop the Seminole Native tribes to stop raiding Georgian farms.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Maine and Missouri were both added into the United States Of America. Missouri was slave state and Maine was free state. It allowed anything above that border line to be a slave free state.
  • Native American Removal

    Native American Removal
    Andrew Jackson ignored the orders of a treaty with the Cherokee. U.S. troops rounded up about 15,000 Cherokee and put them in prison camps. Local residents burned the native’s homes. Troops then sent the Cherokee west in groups of about 1,000 on a path known now as the Trail of Tears.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    It ran from Independence Missouri, to the Columbia river, what is now Northern Oregon. 2,000 miles long. For pioneers to move to Northern Oregon.
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    Texas fought against Santa Anna’s Army so they didn’t have to follow the laws of the Mexican government. So they fought for their independence through the Texas revolution. After the Battle of the Alamo, it left Texan Militants and citizens furious, so they planned a sneak attack on the Mexican Army also known as the Goliad Massacre, which led to the annexation of Texas and the Mexican Revolution.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    This treaty was signed to end the Mexican-American War. As a result, the border between Texas and Mexico was established as the Rio Grande River. The U.S. Also acquired the Mexican cession which included the modern states of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, And Utah.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    James Wilson Thomas was the first to discover gold. Once the news got out, thousands of new settlers wanted to strike it rich, this caused the gold rush of 1849. San Francisco, California.
  • Compromise Of 1850

    Compromise Of 1850
    Henry Clay created the compromise. New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California, Texas, and western Colorado were effected by this compromise. Anything above the southern border of Missouri are free states, and anything below are slave states.
  • Fugitive Slave Act #2

    Fugitive Slave Act #2
    What did the second act say? He new act set severe penalties for anyone who helped a slave to escape. It also gave people called special commissioners the power to order the return of slaves to their owners. Accused slaves had no voice in their own cases.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The Territories Of Kansas And Nebraska. It would decide whether they would have slavery within their borders or not. The Missouri Compromise was cancelled because of this act.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    It encouraged the American people migrate and move westward, it promoted freeing slaves. It granted 160 acres of land. The rules/requirements were that you must either be the head of a family, or 21 years of age.
  • Period: to

    Transcontinental Railroad

    The Central Pacific, and Union Pacific Railroad companies build it. Omaha, Nebraska, And Sacramento, California. It’s because it connected the East Side and the West Side of the United States Of America.