westward expansion and gilded age

By ehuerta
  • Development of Morse code and telegraph

    The telegraph allowed people to communicate across great distance the new technologies telegraphs let two was fax machines, cell phones, phones the general route route that these lines followed was next to the railroads because they would have easy access to work on them.
  • Boss Tweed

    By mid 1860 he had risen to the top position in the organization and formed the tweed ring which open only brought votes encouraged judical corruption extracted millions from city contracts and dominated New York city politics tweed had to flee to U.S to Spain after he broke out of jail for his corruption in politics but was found because of nast cartoons ended 1878 he died in prison.
  • homestead act

    the purpose of the homestead act was to encourage settlement in the west many people during this time owned a plot of land.160 acres all with different climates MOST couldnt grow vegetation
  • First transcontinental railroad

    First Continental railroad made it easier to trade from alantic and Pacific Coast it was also cheaper to transport goods settlers started having battles with native Americans because it moved natives into reservation put rails on rich hunting grounds easy to transport cattle and goods.