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Sioux Wars
An uprising of the Sioux Indians against the American government and settlers as a fight for their rights and home lands -
Homestead Act
Gave away packs of 120 acres of land to settlers for free as long as they worked the land for five years. Caused a mass immigration and removal of Native Americans. Image from Wikipedia -
Sand Creek Massacre
Chivington and his army of 600 soldiers opened fire on 163 Native Americans, most of which were women and children. Picture is a depiction of the events as seen by witness Howling Wolf -
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Cattle Runs
Cattle runs were done by cowboys to take ranchers cattle to better markets in the north where the cheap cattle would go for better prices as the market demand was higher. They fell out of favor due to extensive surplus. -
Fence Cutters War
With the invention of barbed wire, farmer began to section off their land which lead to cattle runs being cut off and later homesteaders being cut off from open range land and things such as water access which lead to them cutting fences in retaliation -
Battle of Little Big Horn
Also known as Custer's Last Stand this battle resulted in a Native American victory. Custer only had about 600 men while the Natives were about 2500 strong. The battle was lead by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull and resulted in Custer's death. -
First Gas Powered Tractor Invented
John Froelich grows tired of clunky steam-powered tractors and brings in the gas powered as an alternative that quickly grew in popularity -
Ghost Dance
Ghost Dance was considered a new religious movement at the time and spread quickly between tribes. It is most well known for being a part of Wovoka's vision and ultimately his death. The Caddo still practice this dance today -
Wounded Knee Massacre
Due to the performance of a Ghost Dance the Lakota Tribe was investigated by the US army and due to a gun going off the army fired at the Lakota, killing 300 men, women, and children on the side of the Lakota.