Year UGA Was Chartered
UGA was the first school to be granted land by the federal government. -
Year Louisville Capitol was Constructed
Georgia has had many capitols but the chose Louisville at this time because it was the most centrally located major city. -
Springfield Baptist Estavblished
Springfield Baptist was founded by a group of free blacks in Augusta. -
Cotton Gin Invented
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. -
First Roman Catholic Church Established
This was Georgia's first Roman Catholic Church and it was established in Wilkes County. -
Louisville "Holy Fire of Heaven"
The "Holy Fire of Heaven" was actually just started with a magnifying glass. -
Year Classes Began at UGA
UGA was recomended to be open by Governor Lyman Hall. -
Millidgevill Voted to Become Captiol
Because Georgia kept moving west, they named Millidgeville the new captiol becuase it was more convienent. -
Gold Discovered in Dahlonega
Over 10,000 miners moved onto Cherokee land to try and get rich by discovering gold. -
Law Passed that Refused Cherokee Indian's Gold Rights
Due to this law, Cherokee Indians were losing their land and homes. -
Southern Baptist Convention
At this conventin, it was decided that slaveholders wouldn't be accepted as missionaries. -
Western and Atlantic Railroads were Chartered
This was a major ecinomic development. -
First African Baptist Church was Founded
The First Africn Baptist Church in Savanah was lead by former slave Andrew Bryan. -
Year Women Began Attending UGA
UGA was open 117 years before women were allowed to attend