WestonMikoleit Timeline

  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Made it so that slaves in the north would have to be returned to owners in the south because they were not people but property. Therefor could not bring a case to court.
  • Linchon Assassination

    Linchon Assassination
    Linchon freed the slaves and lead the nation through civil war making our country one of the most powerful in the world. His death even made the south angry.
  • Social Security

    Social Security
    This was a fund you paid into and when you got old enough the government would send you checks each month so that you did not have to work at and old age.
  • McCarthy Trials

    McCarthy Trials
    Mcarthy Hearing ruined peoples live across America. it was much like the salem witch trials taking people who apposed you and accusing those without any evidence.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    This made it so no matter what color your skin was everyone had the same rights trying to put and end to all of the hate in america
  • Medicare

    Made it so that all people have to have health incurance. Helped people would could not afford it get health inceurance easier
  • Watergate

    Nixon phone taped his opposing party in attempt to gain a leg up in the up coming presidential race.
  • Impeachment

    He was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice.
  • world trade center

    world trade center
    Terrorist attack the world trade center taking thousands of lives and changing American security forever.
  • Medicaid

    Gives people would can not afford health incurance free things to keep their health up. Expanded by the new act passed by president Obama