The Evolution of the American Dream

  • Declaration of Independence

    -unalienable personal rights
    -Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness
    -foundation of the American Dream -approved by Continental Congress
    -announced separation of 13 North American British colonies
    -right to be Free and Independent States -new chance to live in freedom
    -escape from political problems
    -build up a new life
    -realize own ideas (not possible in Europe) -banner of the American Dream
    -inclusion of women, populists, homosexuals & anyone believing happiness can be pursued & attained
  • Period: to

    earlier settlement & westward expansion

    -settlers fight and work hard for their dream
    -dream: a piece of land & settling down roots
  • Period: to

    Manifest Destiny

    -dark side of the American Dream
    -believe: God blessed the growth of the American nation
    -need of expansion
    -cultural & racial superiority
    -->bound to enlighten nations that were not fortunate enough to have God's blessing
    -imposing their way of life on others
  • Great Depression

    -economic crisis
    -high unemployment rates
    -dream: safe & healthy future can be achieved together by society & government
  • Period: to

    World War II: results & veteran's dream

    -everyone deserves certain rights, e.g. freedom of speech, freedom of religion -veteran's dream: to settle down, have a home, a car, a family
    -increase in industrial productivity & employment opportunities --> leading to a new level of consumption
  • Period: to


    -veterans returning from war got "low-interest mortages" (--> able to build a house)
    -->development of prototypical American suburbs
    -dream: to own a house
  • Period: to


    -dream: family = working husband, stay-at-home wife & 2-3 children
  • Period: to

    Transformation of the American Dream

    -dream: prosperity & anticipated success
    -owning cars, TVs
    -being able to provide a good college education
    -new living concepts: people were influenced by ads & TV -rise of credit cards: made dreams possible
    -->accumulation of debts
  • After the 80s

    -dream: even more luxurious materialisic goods & becoming famous like TV role models
  • Period: to

    Great Recession

    -financial crisis
    -weakened American economy
    -burst housing bubble
    -millions lost their jobs, houses, financial security
    -dream: have food, be able to afford the basics
  • Period: to

    Great Recession - today

    -America created ~9 million new jobs
    -most of them: low-skilled workplaces
    -pay minimum wage (7,25$)
    -->people need several part jobs
  • American Dream today

    -pursuit of material prosperity
    (people work more to get bigger cars, fancier homes --> have less time to enjoy those things)
    -beyond the grasp of the working poor, who work two jobs to ensure family's survival