Nov 12, 1035
Canute the Great Dies
King of the North Sea Empire dies -
Oct 30, 1270
8th Crusade
The 8th Crusade is launched -
Nov 20, 1272
Edward I Proclaimed King
Edward I takes the throne of England -
Nov 19, 1302
Pope Boniface Declares Unum Sanctum
Boniface declares Unam Sanctum sayng he declares himself the heir to Christ and Peter if need be -
Nov 15, 1492
Columbus Notes Tobacco
AS Columbus reaches America he discovers and records a tobacco plant -
Nov 18, 1558
Elizabeth I Takes the Throne of England
Upon the death of her close relative Elizabeth takes the throne of England -
Oct 31, 1570
95 Thesis
Martin Luther nails the 95 Thesis - a list of corrections of the Catholic Church - on the door of the church of Wittenburge -
Gunpowder Plot Discovered
King James discovered a secret assasination plan using gunpowder beneath the palace -
1st Blood Transfusion
The first bood transfusion successfully takes place between dog and man -
United States said to never attack another country again
President Wilson states that the United States will never attack another country again...soon after came WWII -
Stock Market Crash
The stock market crashes beginning the Great Depression -
Kristallnacht is launched
The Nazis launch the Kritallnacht in Germany which created the list of all the jews and insisted on identifiaction of them all -
New President Elected
Franklin Roosevelt is elected president -
Piltdownman Hoax Discovered
The Piltdownman, or "Missing Link" in evolution, is found to be a hoax and a lie for money -
Apartheid Condemned
Blacks are finallly freed -
Kennedy Assassinated
President Kennedy and Vice President are both assasinated while in Texas -
Pagans Persecuted
Emporer Theodosius banned all Pagan worship throughout the Roman Empire when Christianity became official religion