1896 BCE
Isaac is Born
Isaac is the son of Abraham and Sarah. They are the founders of Judaism. Isaac was a major figure in the creation of Judaism. Isaac brought new ideas to the religion. Isaac had a major effect on the development of Judaism. God had a covenant that he passed to Abraham, and Abraham passed it to Isaac. This made Isaac even more important.
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jan_Provoost_-_Abraham,_Sarah,_and_the_Angel_-_WGA18441.jpg -
1000 BCE
Judaism Becomes More Known
The effect of King Solomon's temple being built is that Judaism became more known. More people were starting to practice Judaism. Now that there was a physical place to worship, people wanted to practice this religion.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Star_of_David_3.svg -
1000 BCE
King Solomon's Temple is Built
King Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem. It was referred to as Solomon's Temple or the First Temple. This was important because it was a major place of worship for Jewish people. The building of this temple caused Judaism to become more public and popular.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomon%27s_Temple https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_ancient_city_of_Jerusalem_with_Solomon%27s_Temple_(LOC_pga.02305).jpg -
586 BCE
King Solomon's Temple Falls
Solomon's Temple had been attacked many times and still stood, but when Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian King, attacked it, it fell. He took many Jews and other people into captivity. The Babylonian's violence cased the Persians to attack them, and that led to the effect of the Jews returning home in 539 B.C. Many prophets rose during this time of unrest and made Judaism the way it is today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_in_Jerusalem -
539 BCE
The Jews Return Home After Being Held Captive
The Persians overthrew the Babylonians, and that led to something very important in the history of Judaism. The Persians allowed for Jews to go back to Jerusalem. This effected them because they could now go back to their home and original place of worship. The Babylonians taking the Jews captive led to a chain reaction of events that resulted in their returning home and rebuilding their temple. .https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-history-of-the-temple-in-jerusalem-1.5256337 -
1 CE
Jesus is Born
Jesus is the son of God. He was put on Earth to save the people and provide eternal life. Jesus being born is an extremely important event in Christianity because he is who the Christians follow. He spread his message to his followers through Christianity.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/waitingfortheword/6444921503 -
Jesus Dies on the Cross
Jesus was arrested and crucified in Jerusalem. He was sacrificed on the cross to save the people from their sins. This is important because it symbolizes that God sacrificed his only son for the good of the people. Prior to his death, he said that he would return. This caused people to have hope after his death.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crucifixion_of_Jesus -
Jesus is Resurrected
On the third day after his death, Jesus was resurrected. He followed through on his promise of coming back. The caused the people to spread Jesus's message and teachings, which in effect, made Christianity more popular.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/waitingfortheword/5612061875 -
Christianity Becomes More Popular
Because of his resurrection, Jesus's followers were spreading his message, which became the beliefs of Christianity. This is important because this is when more and more people became interested in Jesus's teachings. His words were becoming more valued. This spike in publicity caused Jewish leaders to to get angry because they didn't believe that Jesus was the Messiah.
https://pixnio.com/miscellaneous/blue-sky-daylight-cross-religion-christianity-object-symbol -
Christianity Starts to Branch Out From Judaism
There was a clear division between the Beliefs of Jews and the Beliefs of Jesus's followers. This division caused violence and unrest. For a long time, Christianity was considered as a section of the Jewish religion. The difference in beliefs was so extreme that Christianity started to break away from being and Jewish section, and it started to become its own religion. This is important because this caused Christianity to be more independent like it is today. -
Jewish People Get Angry That People Think Jesus is the Messiah
In Judaism, it is not believed that Jesus is the Messiah. Jews think of him as a teacher. In Christianity, Jesus is thought to be the Messiah. Because so many people were preaching Jesus's message after his resurrection, Jewish people were getting upset. They didn't like that Jesus's followers were claiming he was the Messiah. This is important because this caused tension and anger between Christians and Jews. The anger the Jews felt also caused more people to follow Jesus's message. -
Jews Resort to Violence and Christianity Becomes Even More Widely Known
Because the Jews were so upset about the beliefs of Jesus's followers, they became more violent. The Jews drove them out of the town, but this didn't stop Jesus's followers from preaching. Christianity actually became even more popular during this time. This is important because it shows that people thought that Jesus's message was important enough to keep spreading even when others were being violent and rejecting it. This caused Christianity to become more of it's own religion. -
The First Jewish Revolt and Jesus's Followers Coming Forward
The Jews were revolting against the Romans that were leading them in Jerusalem. This caused the second temple to fall, and it was a time of extreme violence and chaos. Jesus's followers came forward with his message to the people during this time. His words provided hope and support to the overwhelmed people of Jerusalem. This caused more people to follow his teachings.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Italy -
The Second Jewish Revolt and the Fall of the Second Temple
After the Jews returned home from captivity, they built the Second Temple, but this temple was destroyed during the first Jewish revolt. This led to the second Jewish revolt. This turned Judaism into a mobile religion when it used to be a temple-based religion. Because of this, Judaism became much more popular. Synagogues were created because of this, and that is still where Judaism is practiced. This was a pivotal, yet heartbreaking, event in Jewish history. -
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