Western Religions

  • 104

    4 AD, Christianity

    Jesus was Born in Nazareth
  • 150

    50 AD Celtic

    The Celts are being persecuted around Europe.
  • 170

    70 BC Celtic

    Celtic Culture srives in Brition and gaind power.
  • 312

    AD Christianity

    Constantine accepts Christianity in the Roman empire after years of persecution.
  • 570

    AD Islamic

    Mohammed was born.
  • Oct 28, 610

    AD Islamic

    Mohammed meditated in a cave when an angel called out to him to proclaim the word of Allah.
  • Oct 28, 622

    AD Islamic

    Mohammed left Mecca after his followers were attacked. This was the start of the migration known as the Hijrah
  • Oct 28, 700

    BC GrecoRoman

    Homer's epic poems were written down. These poems were about heros and Gods and were incorperated into the mythology of the religion.
  • Oct 28, 1200

    BC GrecoRoman

    The Oracle of Delphy was founded. The oracle was someone who was able to communicate to the God Apollo and tell the future.
  • Oct 28, 1249

    BC Judaism

    Moses went up a mountain to pray. There he talked to God. When he cames down he had ten commandments that act as moral guidlines,
  • Oct 28, 1250

    BC, Judaism

    The Jews fled Egypt. This was because they were enslaved. It is remembered every year with the celebration of passover.
  • BC Judaism

    The desendants of Abraham, the jews, went to Egypt. They were origioally welcomed, but then enslaved.
  • BC Judaism

    Abraham and his villiage moved to Canaan. This was the land that God had promised them.
  • 29AD, Christianity

    Jesus was arrested and cruciffied by Pontius Pilate.Three days later he rose from the dead and then assneded into the new kingdom of God.
  • AD GrecoRoman

    Grees city states were founded, including Athens.
  • Period: to Oct 28, 1020


    Israelites united under three able kings: Saul, David, and Solomon. The new kingdom was called Israel
  • BC Celtic

    First recorded Celtic civilization found near the Black sea