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Honors World History Timeline - Ries Moredock

  • 100


    1. By 100 A.D. the Roman position of Emperor was well established
  • 125


    1. 125 A.D. the Pantheon constructed by Hadrian
  • 133


    1. Between 133 and 88 B.C. many a civil war and a social war broke out in Rome. Rome also proved that a dictator will be executed and they will stick closely to a Republic
  • 150


    1. By 150 B.C. Greek culture became the core of western civilization
  • 150


    1. Rome and Greece made an alliance and took out Macedonia and Persia. Greek culture and religion was now being spread in Rome
  • 207


    1. Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.) Shi Huang Di is named the first emperor of China
  • 221


    1. China was unified in 221 B.C.
  • 264


    1. In 264 B.C. fighting broke out between Rome and Carthage, the war ended in 146 B.C. when Rome went and conquered Carthage. This also shows the spread of Roman culture in northern Africa
  • 265


    1. In 265 B.C. Romans defeated the Etruscans and Greek city-states in southern Italy
  • 300


    1. In 300 B.C. Romans began to elect judges which shows how they were becoming a Republic
  • 312


    1. 312 A.D. Constantine builds Christian Basilicas all over Rome
  • 325


    1. There is one city that thrived in the Indus Valley. A Harrapan city called Pirak which thrived from 1800 to 325 B.C.
  • 326


    1. In 326 Alexander the Great reached India. In his conquest he spread Macedonian and Greek culture all over Southern Asia and Northern Africa.
  • 332


    1. 332 BC Alexander the Great conquers Egypt which brought Macedonian and Greek culture to Egypt
  • 410


    1. 410 A.D. Rome is sacked by Goths
  • 431


    1. Jealous of Athens wealth, Sparta declared was on Athens in 431 B.C. In 421, both sides signed a truce until in 415 B.C. the war went on until Sparta won the war in 404 B.C.
  • 450


    1. 450 B.C. Greece was putting on massive plays that dealt with tragedy and comedy
  • 450


    1. In 450 B.C. Romans wrote down their laws on tablets, this became known as the Law of the Twelve Tablets
  • 470


    1. 470 B.C. Athens was named leader of the Delian League. 450 B.C. The Parthenon and many other buildings were built in Athens during the Golden Age
  • 476


    1. 476 A.D. Rome is conquered by Goths
  • 500


    Roads and canals were built to stimulate trade and agriculture
  • 546


    1. In 546 B.C. the Persian War begins which brought Persian culture to Greece. In 490 B.C. the Persian lost until in 480 B.C. Xerxes built a huge army and invaded Greece again. He was later defeated in battle a year later
  • Dec 5, 600


    1. 600 B.C. Confucius is born and spreads knowledge
  • Dec 5, 600


    1. Blast furnaces that produced cast iron were developed.
  • Dec 5, 621


    1. In 621 B.C. a ruler named Draco stated that in Athens a poor man and a rich man are the same under law which moved Athens towards a Democracy
  • Dec 5, 700


    1. Mandate of Heaven: To justify their conquest, the Zhou leaders declared that the final Shang king had been such a poor ruler that the gods had taken away the Shang’s rule and given it to the Zhou.
  • Dec 5, 725


    1. In 725 B.C. Sparta conquered Messenia which they proved that they were a strong city-state
  • Dec 5, 750


    Coined money was introduced, which further improved trade.
  • Dec 5, 750


    1. In 750 B.C. Greek city-states began to form
  • Dec 5, 753


    1. 753 B.C. Romulus founds Rome
  • Dec 5, 770


    1. 770-712 BC Nubians conquer Egypt
  • Dec 5, 771


    1. The Zhou ruled from around 1027 to 256 B.C. In 771 B.C., nomads from the north and west attacked the Zhou capital and murdered the Zhou monarch.
  • Dec 5, 1000


    1. The culture that grew up in China had strong unifying bonds. A person’s chief loyalty throughout life was to the family.
  • Dec 5, 1027


    1. The Shang Dynasty lasted from around 1700 B.C. to 1027B.C. First family of Chinese rulers to leave written records.
  • Dec 5, 1027


    1. Around 1027 B.C. the Zhou overthrew the Shang and established their own dynasty.
  • Dec 5, 1050


    1. Family The family was central to Chinese society. The most important virtue was respect for one’s parents. The elder men in the family controlled the family’s property and made important decisions. Women, on the other hand, were treated as inferiors
  • Dec 5, 1150


    1. 1150 B.C. Dorians attack and conquer Greece. This shows different cultures being brought into Greece and the Dorians spoke a dialect of Greek. The reign lasted until 750 B.C.
  • Dec 5, 1200


    1. 1200 B.C. the Mycenaean’s fought a 10 year war against Troy in the Trojan War
  • Dec 5, 1250


    1. Shang kings consulted the gods through the use of oracle bones. Animal bones and tortoise shells on which priests had scratched questions for the gods.
  • Dec 5, 1290


    1. 1290-1224 BC Ramses II builds many temples and buildings which promoted the Egyptian religion and faith
  • Dec 5, 1347


    1. 1347-1339 BC Tutankhamen becomes pharaoh, capital moved back to Memphis
  • Dec 5, 1451


    1. Queen Hatshepsut increases trade and influence. This is important because Egyptian culture and religion was spreading around the world
  • Dec 5, 1500


    1. 2500-1500 BC Builders in the Indus Valley used copper, lead, bronze, and tin for buildings and docks which they were known for making extremely well
  • Dec 5, 1500


    1. 1500 B.C. Mycenaean’s come in contact with Minoans through trade. This is important because it shows the spread of cultures between different civilizations
  • Egypt

    1. 1630-1523 BC The Hyksos rule Egypt. This brings different cultures into the region as well as other ideas and products
  • Egypt

    1. 1640 BC Iron working and chariots created. This is important because it shows that the people of Egypt were getting advanced with technology
  • Mesopotamia

    Code of Laws, 282 codes, displayed for everyone to see(1700 BC)
  • India

    1. 1700 BC Most of the Indus Valley cities were abandoned
  • India

    1. 2500-1500 BC The people of the Indus Valley practiced an early version of the religion Hindu
  • Mesopotamia

    1. The Babylonian Empire reached its peak during the reign of Hammurabi, from 1792 B.C. to 1750 B.C. Hammurabi’s most enduring legacy is the code of laws he put together.
  • Mesopotamia

    1. In 1792 BC the Amorite King Hammurabi became king. Brilliant warrior, United Mesopotamia, Improved the tax-collection system; increased trade for the empire to grow; honored the old Sumerian Gods.
  • India

    1. 1800 BC marked the decline of the Indus Valley civilization
  • Egypt

    1. 30 B.C. Egypt falls into control of Rome which brought Roman religion and influence to the region
  • Rome

    1. In 31 B.C. Octavian took total control of Rome which destroyed the Roman Republic
  • Rome

    1. Julius Caesar was killed in 44 B.C. by a conspiracy of Senators
  • Mesopotamia

    In about 2000 B.C., nomadic warriors known as Amorites invaded Mesopotamia. Gradually, the Amorites overwhelmed the Sumerians and established their capital at Babylon, on the Euphrates River.
  • China

    1. Around 2000 B.C. settlements grew into China’s first cities. According to legend, the first Chinese dynasty, the Xia Dynasty, emerged about this time.
  • Greece

    1. 2000 B.C. Mycenaean’s settled in Greece.
    2. 1600-1100 B.C. Mycenaean’s rule Greece
  • India

    1. 2500-1500 BC the people of the Indus Valley were one of the first civilizations to create a system of uniform weights and measures
  • India

    1. 2500-1500 BC the people of the Indus Valley relied on trade so they were the first civilization to use bullock carts
  • India

    1. 2500-1500 BC The people of the Indus Valley about 400-600 different characters for writing on seals, tablets, and pots
  • China

    1. Each character generally stands for one syllable or unit of language. No links between China’s spoken language and its written language.
  • Greece

    1. In 594 B.C. Solon banned slavery in Athens which contributed to Democracy. In 500 B.C. Clisthenes broke up the power of nobility and increased the power of assembly for citizens which also moved Athens towards Democracy
  • Greece

    1. 338 B.C. Phillip II of Macedonia conquers Greece. In 334 B.C. Alexander the Great led the Macedonian army into Persia and defeated them in 332 B.C.
  • Rome

    1. Etruscans ruled Rome until 509 B.C. until Romans overthrew the king and Rome became a Republic
  • Rome

    1. 180 A.D. the start of the Pax Romana which was a time when the economy and legal system in Rome was stable
  • Egypt

    1. 2040-1640 BC the middle kingdom restored law and order. This is important because Egypt was moving closer an empire and laws were set for citizens.
  • Egypt

    1. Mentuhotep (2040 BC) unites all of Egypt and makes the capital Thebes
  • India

    1. 2500-1500 BC The Indus Valley would have monsoons which flooded valleys and flooded fields of crops and villages
  • India

    1. 2500-1500 BC Over 100 remains of cities have been found. It is said that the flooding and droughts are what drove people out of the valley
  • Egypt

    1. 2180 BC Marked the end of the old kingdom
  • India

    1. 2500-1500 BC Builders in the Indus Valley made grids and planned how they were going to build cities
  • India

    1. 2500-1500 BC much of the Harrapan society had no ruler, they were all equal
  • Mesopotamia

    Cuneiform was made on clay tablets. This is important because it shows one of the earliest languages set up by people in that region. (2300 B.C.)
  • India

    1. 2500-1500 BC Indus Valley had problems with droughts because none of the plants would grow and some rivers changed course
  • Mesopotamia

    1. 2350 B.C. Sargon takes over and makes the capital city Akkad. He establishes the first Mesopotamian empire
  • Mesopotamia

    About 2350 B.C., a conqueror named Sargon defeated the city-states of Sumer. Sargon led his army from Akkad a city-state north of Sumer. The Akkadians had long before adopted most aspects of Sumerian culture. Sargon’s conquests helped to spread that culture even farther, beyond the Tigris-Euphrates Valley. By taking control of both northern and southern Mesopotamia.
  • India

    1. 2500-1500 BC Builders were able to create a sewer system which shows that people were advanced builders and architects
  • India

    1. 2500-1500 BC there was no single ruler. Each city or area had their own single ruler
  • Mesopotamia

    New cities arose along the Fertile Crescent. People exchanged products and ideas. (2500 B.C.)
  • Mesopotamia

    From 3000 to 2000 B.C., the city-states of Sumer were almost constantly at war with one another. The weakened city-states could no longer ward off attacks from the peoples of the surrounding deserts and hills.
  • Egypt

    1. 2500 BC Mummification process developed. Shows what religious practices that the people of Egypt used
  • India

    1. Indus Valley cities were being built around 2500 B.C.
  • Egypt

    1. 2556 BC The Great Pyramid at Giza is built. This shows the way the people worshiped their gods and pharaohs
  • Mesopotamia

    1. (2900-2800) Gilgamesh rules Mesopotamia. The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest piece of literature found on Sanskrit stone tablets written in cuneiform
  • Mesopotamia

    Sumerians build several cities. The civilization of Mesopotamia grows as people settle in the area and farming and trading picks up. (3000 B.C.)
  • Mesopotamia

    Large cities appeared by 3000 BC. Structures were built of mud bricks
  • Egypt

    1. 3000 BC Hieroglyphics created. This is important because it set up a common language for the people of Egypt to speak
  • Egypt

    1. Trade established between Palestine and Nubia. This is important because it brought other cultural influences into the region.
  • Egypt

    1. (3100 BC) Menes unties upper and lower kingdom and becomes first pharaoh of Egypt. Capital-Memphis
  • Egypt

    1. 3200 BC Egypt is split between the lower and upper kingdom
  • India

    1. 3200 BC people of Indus Valley began to farm. This is important because it shows when the civilization became advanced enough to make tools and learn how to farm
  • Mesopotamia

    Sumerians settle the region of Mesopotamia. The good soil in the region attracted the new settlers. (3300 B.C.)
  • Egypt

    1. 4000 BC Sails are added to Egyptian boats. This made trade and moving products and tools further out into the world at a faster rate.
  • Mesopotamia

    1. People settle the region of Mesopotamia. This is important because settlers will learn to make new tools to make farming easier. (4500 B.C.)
  • Egypt

    1. 5000 BC People start to settle and farm the region of Egypt
  • Mesopotamia

    As early as 5500 BC people were farming in southern Mesopotamia. Flat, swampy region was well suited for agriculture Tigris and Euphrates rivers often flooded and left behind a fertile mud-silt.
  • India

    1. 7000 B.C. people of Indus valley were raising sheep and goat