Western Region Timeline

  • 1500

    Republic of Congo Slave Trade

    Republic of Congo Slave Trade
    Over 350 years, the slave trade used price tags on people to gain wealth. A system that took advantage of captives and transported them to the interior of Africa. Slave voyages were risky. Everything was planned getting into a slave ship but the possibilities of ruins were high. Poor weather, uncalculated maps, etc. Everything had a different value based on its worth. Though, slave voyages were very profitable which made it used commonly for money.
  • Equatorial Guinea Colonization

    Equatorial Guinea Colonization
    Equatorial Guinea was colonized by the under-educated Africans and then the Spanish came over and began to try to rule the Equatorial Guinea. With the colonization from Spain, the people of Equatorial Guinea actually became one of Africa’s most educated populations. All of this happened from 1778-1959 when later in the 1950s the people of Equatorial Guinea began to try to make a move towards independence. Due to the rule of Spain Equatorial Guinea was able to become more developed.
  • Cameroon Slave Trade

    Cameroon Slave Trade
    Cameroon slave trade had various routes. It was one of the most important supply zones for African slaves to the New World. The slaves were mostly sold to Fernando Po collection center. Fernando Po was one of the main collection centers for slave who were being traded for the New World and from Africa. Majority of these slaves that were traded from Cameroon came from inland invasions as well as from neighboring countries such as: Batagan, Bassa, and Bulu.
  • Equatorial Guinea Slave Trade

    Equatorial Guinea Slave Trade
    The British would lease spaces to Fernando Po to use as his collection centers for African slave trading. The Spanish, English, Dutch, and Portuguese were interested in getting slaves to work for them. Later on, Equatorial Guineas’ most famous tribes were eventually being used as the main source for African slave trading. One of the most famous and targeted tribes during this time were the Bantu Tribes. The Bantu Tribes were mainly wanted because of their ability to grow sugar and cocoa well.
  • Republic of Congo Colonization

    Republic of Congo Colonization
    1870 an explorer, Henry Morton Stanley, explored the Republic of Congo. This region was a former French colony. It is located along the west of Africa. Although it was explored in the 1870s, King Leopold the II founded it in 1885. The region later became independent on June 30th, 1960. In 1961, the Prime Minister in Congo's first elected government, Patrice Lumumba, was tortured and murdered by a man named Joseph Mobuto. Later in 1965, Mobuto seized power over Congo and ruled as a dictator.
  • Colonization of Cameroon

    Colonization of Cameroon
    Cameroon was colonized by the Germans in 1884, who ruled there till 1916. When the Germans were defeated during World War 1, it was placed as a mandated territory of the League of Nations. This is where Britain and France came in and split Cameroon into two parts to share. In these two parts, Britain had ¼ of Cameroon and France had ¾ of Cameroon. Britain and France had ruled all the way till 1960, when finally, Cameroon was given independence. Now in Cameroon, French and English are used.
  • Republic of Congo Decolonization

    Republic of Congo Decolonization
    Following the days of Belgium's granting of independence overcame the Congo Civil War. This war had lasted four years. The Congolese army demanded to pay, which began controversial conversations. The war also arose because of a "proxy" contest held by the United States. The Mobutu government was supported by the western gov. And military leaders claimed countries and Lumumba was later killed. Mobutu pledged support and had successful strength to end Katanga and seized power.
  • Decolonization of Equatorial Guinea

    Decolonization of Equatorial Guinea
    Equatorial Guinea was established under Antasio Ndongo in Cameroon in 1950, which had become a Spanish prominence around the same time. This had led to a better investment for the Spanish. Though Colonial, international, and metropolitan developed an interaction within the independence. Political opposition was unfortunately banned from the king of Guinea and gained full power. In 1963, the country gained full independence granted by the colony of self-governance.
  • Spain’s attempt at decolonization of Equatorial Guinea- between

    Spain’s attempt at decolonization of Equatorial Guinea- between
    The post-war political history of Equatorial Guinea was divided up into three different phases. One being around 1959 when its status was raised from 'colony' to 'province.' Another being between 1960 and 1968, Spain attempted to decolonize Equatorial Guinea. It was hoped to conserve their territory. And finally, after 1968, the territory became an independent republic. It is important because if they didn't become an independent country, they would still have been subject to slave trading.
  • Decolonization of Cameron

    Decolonization of Cameron
    After WWll, developments in Cameroon brought about independence. France wanted to have a relationship with Cameroon and wanted to know what Cameroon would do for France. Cameroon just wanted independence. So French officials tried to suppress the UPC or Cameroons Union People, which led to a civil war. Later on January 1, 1960, independence was granted to Ahmadou Ahidjo. He was elected president, and he pledged to build a capitalist economy and to maintain close ties to France.