western expansion timeline

  • oregon trail is created

    oregon trail is created
    what happened the Oregon Trail was laid down by traders and fur trappers. It could only be traveled by horseback or on foot.
    why was it important the us was able to travel west easier notes
  • battle of san janico

    battle of san janico
    what happened While santa ana’s men were sleeping the texans soldiers attacked
    Why texas wanted annexation
    Why was it important -texas finally was independent from mexico notes
  • the alamo

    the alamo
    What happened - 150 texans held out to fight santa ana men
    Why Texas wanted to be independent from mexico
    Why was it important gave them remember the alamo battle cry notes
  • texas decleration of independence

    texas decleration of independence
    what happened - During the Texas Revolution, a convention of American Texans meets at Washington-on-the-Brazos and declares the independence of Texas from Mexico.
    why did it happen - they didn't like santa ana's law
    why is it important free notes
  • james k polk becomes president

    james k polk becomes president
    what happened . His goal was to annex Texas and the Oregon Territory and to purchase California from Mexico.
    why Polk insisted that the US had rights to the entire Oregon Territory even though Britain had claimed the land for years.
    why was it important and settled a boundary dispute with the British that secured the Oregon Territory for the United States notes
  • Annexation of texas

    Annexation of texas
    what happened - Congress passed a resolution to annex Texas and became a state
    why it happened - the us wanted texas because it was benefical
  • Zachary taylor crosses rio grande river

    Zachary taylor crosses rio grande river
    what happened - The strategy involved crossing the Rio Grande, sending a force to capture Santa Fe, and then moving west to take California.
    why did it happen - Mexicans attacked the Americans, starting a war with Mexico.
    why is it important - uprising which resulted in California declaring independence.
  • orgeon becomes free territory - notes

    orgeon becomes free territory - notes
    what happened - The Oregon Territory, was valuable to both the U.S. and Britain. At first, the territory was split among both nations. Drawn by the Willamette Valley and its vast resources, settlers moved west to the Oregon territoy why He told the British the Oregon Territory would not be shared and this ultimately led to the Pig War impact The signing of the treaty in 1846 was important to Manifest Destiny because it showed the U.S. was willing to fight for westward expansion.
  • California Gold rush

    California Gold rush
    what happened - Thousands of Americans head West lured by the idea of becoming instant millionaires
    why did it happen - west becomes land of oppertunity.
    impact - americans on the move
  • mexican cession notes

    mexican cession notes
    what happened - after the U.S. cavalry ignored an order from the Mexican army to retreat to the Nueces River and instead advanced south to the Rio Grande, fighting broke out. Three weeks later, Congress declared war on Mexico.
    why Mexico at the end of the Mexican War. The terms of this transfer were spelled out in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848
    why is it important - his massive land grab was significant because the question of extending slavery into newly acquired places
  • annexation of california

    annexation of california
    what happened became a key target of expansion. The californios would have met new neighbors, been able to purchase new goods from across the world, and perhaps noticed the increasing presence of the United States. why did it happen polk hopped the mexican american war would let them get california
    why is it important they got california
  • treaty of guadilupe hidego

    treaty of guadilupe hidego
    history -
    what happened - ended the Mexican-American War in favor of the United States.
    why The treaty added an additional 525,000 square miles to United States territory, why is it important including the land that makes up all or parts of present-day Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming.
  • gadsen purchase notes

    gadsen purchase notes
    what happened The Gadsden Purchase, or Treaty, was an agreement between the United States and Mexico, finalized in 1854, in which the United States agreed to pay Mexico $10 million for a 29,670 square mile portion of Mexico why did it happen provided the land necessary for a southern transcontinental railroad and attempted to resolve conflicts that lingered after the Mexican-American War. why is it important The United States gov agreed to make sure there were no native americans
  • Homestead act 1862

    Homestead act 1862
    what happened - Millions of acres were given away free in the West to anyone that would claim land and live on it for 5 years
    why did it happen - The U.S. Government encouraged the settlement of the West
    why is it important - Other Public land was sold for $2.50 an acre
  • transcontinental railroad completed

    transcontinental railroad completed
    what happened - Gov. granted over 200 million acres of land for the project and offered low interest rate loans
    why did it happen - at Promontory Point, Utah, the “Golden Spike’ was driven into the ground uniting both the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads
    why is it important - •1st railroad line connecting the East to the West