Western Cultures 7-11

By har8246
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    This was a letter signed by Constantine allowing religious freedom throughout the roman empire. It tolerated the existence of Christianity.
  • 410

    Visigoth Sack of Rome

    Visigoth Sack of Rome
    Rome refused the demands of Alaric. Alaric marched to the gates of Rome and besieged the city. This caused the senate of Rom to pay 5,000 pounds of gold and 30,000 pounds of silver. Alaric and his forces sacked rome for three days because he was frustrated in his demand that the visigoths be given part of northern italy.
  • 500

    Clovis becomes a catholic christian

    Clovis becomes a catholic christian
    Clovis was a German King and converted to Chrisianity around 500. He was not the first German King to convert. He found that his conversion to the Catholic Christianity gained him the support of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • 537

    Completion of Hagia Sophia

    Completion of Hagia Sophia
    This is the church of the holy wisom. It was constructed under Justinian by Anthemius of Tralles and Isidore of Milan. The pulpits and plaques bear inscriptions from the Qur'an. It is dome shaped.
  • 570


    He was orphaned at a very young age. He starts to recieve revelations and follows the Qur'an. He travels from Hegira to Medina. He was a widely known prophet who helped to spread islam.
  • Jan 1, 622


    Thsi is the Journey to Medina by Muhammad and some of his closest supporters. They lefts the city and moved into Yathrib (medina) because they were discouraged by the failure of the meccans to accept his message. This became year 1 of the official calendar of Islam
  • Jan 1, 636

    Arab defeat of Byzantines at Yarmuk

    Arab defeat of Byzantines at Yarmuk
    The arabs defeated the Roman army and gained Syria and Palestine.They also moved into the old Persian Empire and conquered it.
  • Jan 1, 657

    Monastery of Whitby

    Monastery of Whitby
    This monastery was founded by Saint Hilda. She was abbess and was responsible for giving learning an important role in the life of the monastry. Five future biships were educated by her,
  • Jan 1, 714

    The Rise of Charles Martel

    The Rise of Charles Martel
    He served a mayor of the palace of Austrasia. He led toops that defeatd the Muslims near Poiters. He also He fought to help Europe from the invasion of the muslims. He became a cirtual ruler of the three Merovingian kingdoms.
  • Jan 1, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    This battle was a result of a dispute over the succession to the English throne. It ushered in changes in English law, language and culture.It also laid the groundwork towards the English feudal system.The battle was between William duke of Normandy and King Harold II.
  • Jan 1, 1071

    Battle at Manzikert

    Battle at Manzikert
    The byzantine empire challenged the Turks and the Turks routed the byzantine army. This sent the byzantine empire looking for help. This event also helped set in motion the papal pleas that led to the crusades.
  • Jan 1, 1095

    First Crusade

    First Crusade
    They marched on to capture Antioch and Jerusalem. Along the way they slaughter the Jews.
  • Jan 1, 1158

    First University in Bologna

    First University in Bologna
    This was the first university to be opened. Its primary focus was law. It coincided with the revival of interest in Roman law. It was the greatest law school of the time.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The magna carta was aimed at limiting government practices that affected the relations between the king and his vassals on the one hand and the king and the church on the other. The magna carta was a feudal document. It gave written recognition to the fact that the relationship between king and cassals was based on mutual rights and obligations.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Lateran IV Council

    Lateran IV Council
    This was the council of Pope Innocent III. The monks had new monastic orders and ghettos with a very distinctive dress. They all interfered in state matters.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1305 to Jan 1, 1377

    Avignon Papacy

    The residency of Popes in Avignon led to a decline in papal prestige and growing antipapal sentiment. The popes began to construct a palace for themselves. They imposed new taxes on the clergy for income. Out of 134 cardinals 113 were french.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1337 to Jan 1, 1453

    Hundred Years War

    French attack on English Gascony. Edward III claims French crown. War ends with French victory. The English used a lot of foot soldiers and long bows. The French has mail coats and rode horse, and used the real heavy cross bow.
  • Jan 1, 1340

    Geoffrey Chaucer

    Geoffrey Chaucer
    An author who wrote The Canterbury Tales. It was a collection of storied told by a group of 29 pilgrims that journed from southwark to canterbury. He portrayed english society from high born to low born in his book. He used some of his characters to criticize the corruption of the church.
  • Jan 1, 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    This plague came from sicily and within 3 years killed between one quarter and one half of the population. It was the most devastating natural disaster in european history. It was spread rapidly by black rats that were infrested with fleas who were host to the deadly bacterium.
  • Jan 1, 1356

    Battle of Poitiers

    Battle of Poitiers
    This battle ended the first phase of the Hundred years war. The french agreed to pay a large ransom for King John and hte english territories in Gascony were enlarged. Edward renounced his claims to the french throne. In return John had to promise to give up control over english lands in france.
  • Jan 1, 1377

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    Papacy returns to rome.Rival popes elected. It divided Europe.
    Depose both popes and elect a new one but the popes refuse to step down and it results in 3 popes.
    The council of constance is the end of Schism.
  • Jan 1, 1378

    Return of Papacy

    Return of Papacy
    Papacy is brought back to Rome. Rival popes were elected. Thre was Pope Urban VI for Rome and Pope Clement VII for Avignon.
  • Theodoric

    He established himself as ruler of Italy after he marched into Italy and killed Odacer. He was the Ostrogoth King and recieved an education while a hostage in Constantinople. He also attacked constantinople once he was free.
  • Otto I

    Otto I
    He was crowned emperor of the Romans. He took over where Charlamagne left off. He tried very hard to put the empire back together but it did not work as he planned.
  • Vladimir's conversion to Christianity

    Vladimir's conversion to Christianity
    He converted to Christianity but his primary motive was not spiritual is was to help establish a church because he thought it would be helpful in developing an organized state.
  • Charlemagne crowned emperor

    Charlemagne crowned emperor
    He became the most powerful Chrisitan ruler.He was crowned Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III. Charlemagne had helped him when he had to seek refuge in Charlemagne's court.
  • Treaty of Verdun

    Treaty of Verdun
    This treaty was signed by the three living sons of Louis the Pious. The treaty divided the Carolingian empire into three major sections.
  • Saint Augustine

    Saint Augustine
    He was the most prominent of the Latin Fathers. He was raised an ardent Christian. He became a professor of rhetoric at Milan. He gave up teaching and went to North Africa where he served as bishop of Hippo. His most famous works are the Confessions and The City of God. He provided a justification for Secular political authority. He also established important views on sexual desire.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Charlemagne

    Charlemagne inherited teh Carolingian empre from his father and he then expanded his territories in several directions. This created an empire that would not be rivaled.
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1081

    Macedonian Dynasty

    This dynasty was very stable and prosperous. They had Vladimir of Kiev and he was converted.