Western Civilization—Semester 1 Exam Review

  • 5000 BCE

    Invention of Writing

    The time period before 5000 BC is known as Prehistory. 5000 BC marks the end of the "New Stone Age" or Neolithic Period, which is when the hominids developed a spoken language. The Neolithic Period started in 10,000 BC.
  • 5000 BCE

    The Sumerians Inhabit Mesopotamia

  • 2575 BCE

    The Egyptian Empire

    Upper and Lower Egypt united in 3100 BC. The Egyptian Empire is divided into the following periods:
    The Old Kingdom: c. 2575-2130 BC
    The Middle Kingdom: c. 1938-1639 BC
    The New Kingdom: c. 1539-1075 BC
  • 2300 BCE

    The Formation of the Akkadian Empire

    This is the first empire, that was founded by Sargon.
  • 1790 BCE

    The Formation of the Babylonian Empire

    This empire was founded by Hammurabi.
  • 1600 BCE

    The Minoans Rule Over Crete

    The Minoans are the first Greeks that no one really talks about and Crete is in Southern Greece.
  • Period: 1400 BCE to 1200 BCE

    The Hittite Empire

    Originated in the Asia Minor and Dominated Mesopotamia in 1400 BC.
  • Period: 1400 BCE to 1200 BCE

    The Mycenaeans Rule the Mediterranean

    The Mycenaeans are the most popular Greeks and fought in the Trojan War.
  • 1350 BCE

    The Assyrian Empire

    The Assyrians, warriors, created an empire on the upper Tigris river. By 1100, they had controlled much of Mesopotamia.
  • 1250 BCE

    The Trojan War

  • Period: 1200 BCE to 900 BCE

    The "Dark Age" of Greece

    The Dorians took over the Mycenaeans.They butchered the Greek culture and illiteracy ran rampant.
  • 815 BCE

    Carthage is founded

    Carthage was Founded by the Phoenician Princess, Lady Dido. Carthage is in the Northern African Bay of Tunis, modern day Tunisia
  • Period: 753 BCE to 476

    The Roman Empire

    The Empire was officially started by Romulus in 753; however, the first Roman civilization started in 1000 BC
  • 507 BCE

    Rome becomes a Republic

    Before this, the Roman Empire was a Monarchy, since 753 BC. The Republic lasted until 37 BC.
  • Period: 264 BCE to 241 BCE

    1st Punic War

  • Period: 218 BCE to 201 BCE

    2nd Punic War

  • Period: 149 BCE to 146 BCE

    3rd Punic War

  • 133 BCE

    Greece becomes a part of the Roman Empire

  • 31 BCE

    The Battle of Actium

    Augustus declares war on Cleopatra and Antony. Due to his victory, Augustus gains complete control of the empire.
  • Period: 63 to 180

    The Pax Romana

    The end of the Pax Romana is marked by Marcus Aurelius' death.
  • Period: 235 to 284

    The Third Century Crisis

    Roman generals used legions to declare themselves Emperor. There were 26 emperors in the 50 year period.
  • 284

    Diocletian moves the Imperial Capital

    Diocletian moves the capital from rome to Byzantium. At this time, Rome is split into two empires, the Eastern and Western.
  • 313

    The Edict of Milan

    Issued by Constantine and legalized Christianity, after it was criminalized by Diocletian in 303.
  • 330

    A Barbaric Marriage

    This event lead to the following things to occur:
    376: The Huns invade the Black Sea Region
    378: The Visigoths rebel against Rome
    410: The Visigoths sack Rome
  • Period: Dec 17, 610 to Dec 18, 750

    Islamic Expansion

    Islam was started by Muhammad after he had a revelation in a cave