Julius Caesar's Rule--48 BC
Caesar was a military genius. He was appointed in Spain, and took over Gaul, killing tens of thousands. He maintained peace in the city-states, and was appointed counsel. After gaining complete control, he had to "mop up" Africa, Spain, and other countries. But he cared for his citizens and those under his rule, up until his assassination in 44 BC, where many consider the fall of Rome to start. -
Creation of the Roman Empire-- 27 BC
After the fall of the Roman Republic, which stood for 500 years, the absolute military rule started to take over the Romans' ways. Rulers like Julius Caesar and Augustus would help to improve upon this autocracy and create Rome in their own images. -
Augustus-- 27 BC
Born Gaius Octavius, he was adopted by Caesar, and was appointed as ruler when Caesar passed on. He gave himself the official name of Emperor and created the "Roman Empire". He formed the Second Triumvirate, in an effort to dispatch Caesar's assassins. However, after war and strife, the Triumvirate was torn apart. Augustus created full military reign, starting the Roman Empire. -
Macedonian War III-- BC
In 179, Philip V passed on, and his son, Perseus continued to rule in honor of his father. He made several alliances with other tribes such as Illyira, attempting to rebuild Macedon. However, the Romans declared war on him. The largest battle between the two civilizations was the "Batlle of Pydna", where Perseus ultimately lost. -
Macedonian War II-- BC
Philip once again tried his hand at conquering Rome, yet found it harder than he imagined. Rome allied with Pergamon and Rhodes, Greek city-states. Together, they attacked Philip with a righteous vengeance. He was forced to give up all of his possessions. This later helped Rome to take over the entire region of the Eastern Mediterranean, as they had no obstacles. -
Macedonian War I-- BC
Rome, allied with the Aetolian League, declared war against Philip V of Macedon. This was during the times of the Second Punic War. The Romans paid little attention to Philip while being attacked by Hannibal. However, the two created an "alliance" to take over Rome. While Hannibal was being denied supplies, however, Macedon's attacks were meager. In the end, a stalemate was drawn out. -
Punic War I--BC
Mercenaries hired by the Greeks occupied a Sicilian town named Massana, in an attempt to hinder the king of Syracuse (Sicilian city-state), Hiero II. Massana and Syracuse were in a state of war, and asked Rome and Carthage to help. However, when these two met, forces collided, and both took sides. -
Laws of the Twelve Tables-- BC
This was the earliest attempt at Romans making a civilized set of laws. They wanted to create a middleman between patrician and plebian lives. After the original ten were made, the plebians were dissatisfied, and requested two more to be made. -
The Fall of Rome
While many events are debated, the fall of Western Rome (the Emperors) occurred in 476, finishing an era and period of time that would be remembered forever. Rome was sacked (destroyed) twice over, and its power started to wane. Economic conflicts rose. Other generals and military powers stepped over them. Flavius Odoacer helped to overthrow Flavius Orestes, the last official Roman Emperor. Odoacer then destroyed the remnants of the Western Roman Empire and became the first King of Italy. -
Apr 21, 753
Romulus and Remus--BC-- Start of an Empire
Romulus and Remus, two sons to the alleged wife of the god Mars. They were set adrift a river, only to be picked up by a she-wolf. They grew up together to become leaders, and built a city. But when deciding who would be king, Romulus killed his brother in a fit of rage. He named the city Rome, and started an empire. -
Punic War III-- BC
Phoenicia, formerly Carthage, fought with Rome for the last time. After the second war, a treaty was signed between the two city-states-- however, conflict still arose. The one major battle, the "Battle of Carthage", resulted in the end of Carthage in its entirety and the annexation by Rome. -
Roman Republic --BC
Beginning with the overthrow of the original monarchy, Rome created a republic, in which the traditional Counsel and Senate took place. They had checks and balances, separation of powers, and even grew to create a Constitution for themselves. -
Punic War II-- BC
Rome and Carthage are at it again!! In 218 BC, Carthage, having finally finished the war with Rome, decided to go and take over parts of Western Europe, such as Spain, in an effort to mount an army to conquer Rome. This was taken under advisement from Hamilcar Barca and continued under his son, Hannibal. Barca's son contained an immense amount of military genius, and thrashed Italy entirely. Rome, however, was the victor in the end-- its perseverance took over Carthage's denying of supplies.