Western Civ. 7-9

  • 753 BCE

    The start of the Monarchy

    The start of the Monarchy
    When Alexander the Great died, he left no heir to the throne. Three of his generals took over and split the empire into three sections with a monarchy that ruled over all of them.
  • 650 BCE

    Conflict with the Monarchy

    Conflict with the Monarchy
    The Hellenistic monarchs tried to lead in the same way as Alexander, but this caused rivals between the Ptolemies and the Seleucids.
  • 509 BCE

    Overthrow of King

    Overthrow of King
    A group of noblemen overthrew the last king of Rome and replaced the king with the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic was made up of the Centuriate Assembly, consuls, lictors, and the Senate.
  • 450 BCE

    Conflicts with the Roman Republic

    Conflicts with the Roman Republic
    Poor Romans started to struggle for political representation which led to an event called Conflict of Orders which lasted for 140 years. Wealthier Romans found ways around the Republic and would often take land from the lower classes.
  • 338 BCE

    The Expansion of the Republic

    The Expansion of the Republic
    The Republic started conquering more and more land around them causing them to rapidly expand. The Republic offered them citizenship in return they had to be loyal and give troops during wartime.
  • 100 BCE

    The Fall of the Republic

    The Fall of the Republic
    The Republic lasted for five centuries, but due to the problems with power and wealth the Republic fell. The Plebeian Assembly did almost nothing to help the poor and the wealthy found ways to get even wealthier.
  • 70 BCE

    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar began to replace the Republic with an empire when he became increasingly powerful. Julius formed an alliance with two other people that took control of the Roman Republic because their followers were loyal to them and not the Republic.
  • 43 BCE

    Mark Antony and Octavian

    Mark Antony and Octavian
    Mark Antony and Octavian took over after Julius Caesar's death. They continued to campaign against old republican loyalists and killed the men that killed Julius Caesar. These two took control of Rome in 43 BCE.
  • 23 BCE

    The start of the Empire

    The start of the Empire
    Augustus, also known as Octavian, was the first ruler of the new Empire. Even though it was no longer a republic, Augustus still kept some republican values like bravery and honor. His strong republican beliefs helped with the transition from republic to autocracy for the Roman citizens.
  • 476

    The fall of Rome

    The fall of Rome
    As Rome was getting weaker due to all of the emperor changes, other civilizations waited for the right time to attack them. Barbarian groups were better organized and more populated which led to Rome losing a majority of their land to them.
  • Summary

    Rome went from being a monarchy, to a republic, then empire, which led to the fall from the conflicts within Rome. Conflicts with Rome emerged after Alexander the Great died so noblemen seized control to create the Republic. The Republic failed due to the power struggle and social class problems within Rome which led to the Empire which failed because of the constant shift in power and views. The fall of Rome was inevitable to happen because of the size and conflicts happening inside of Rome.