Western Civ 1&2

  • 9500 BCE

    The Discovery of Agriculture

    The Discovery of Agriculture
    The discovery of agriculture allowed large groups of people to live together, which formed civilizations. Before agriculture came along people had to live in small groups because they couldn't feed a large amount of people just by being hunter-gatherers.
  • 3100 BCE


    In Egypt their writing system was using hieroglyphics, which were symbols that were used to represent a word. Hieroglyphics made it possible for scribes to record everything that happened in ancient Egypt allowing us to learn about their culture today.
  • 3000 BCE

    Improvements in Warfare

    Improvements in Warfare
    Improvements in warfare were very important at this time because it allowed for civilizations to conquer others. One of these improvements were chariots because they allowed the soldiers to move quicker.
  • 2978 BCE

    The invention of the arithmetic system

    The invention of the arithmetic system
    The Mesopotamian civilizations were the first to develop and use an accurate arithmetic system. This system was used and understood throughout the ancient Mediterranean world and formed the basis of mathematics for them.
  • 2978 BCE


    Bureaucracy was a type of government that was used all through the ancient times. It is when state officials make most of the important decisions instead of the elected representative.
  • 2550 BCE

    The Great Pyramid

    The Great Pyramid
    The Great Pyramid was the largest pyramid at that time and was a resting place for kings as they waited for the afterlife. This pyramid shows that citizens were able to have enough calories taken in during the day to enable the construction.
  • 2340 BCE

    King Sargon the Great

    King Sargon the Great
    King Sargon the Great was the first military leader to form an empire by conquering almost all of its neighbors. This was an important event because it showed that civilizations kept growing in size.
  • 1782 BCE

    The Use of Bronze

    The Use of Bronze
    The Hyksos were the first to use bronze. Bronze helped make weapons and tools that were stronger than copper or stone.
  • 1780 BCE

    Hammurabi's Code

    Hammurabi's Code
    Hammurabi's code was a very important list of codes that stated the rights and obligations of the Babylonians. This code told citizens what they could or couldn't do and protected them from unfair terms on loans or damaged property.
  • 1700 BCE

    Improvements in Agriculture

    Improvements in Agriculture
    Improvements in agriculture allowed for bigger crops yields to take place. Some of these improvements were crop rotation, which is still used today, the metal plow, and irrigation systems.