Imrpotant art pieces that the Romans created were sculptures, frescoes, cameo, and paintings. Architecture and art were a big part of the Roman culture. -
Middle Ages
King; Lords; Knights; Serfs. that is the level that the, basically population went. Decline of Feudalism. -
Nov 22, 1300
They're art was known to be the most modern. -
Nov 22, 1492
European Explorations - Columbus
God, Gold, Glory were the main objectives for the European explorers -
Nov 22, 1521
The pope posted 95 thesis on the church door. -
Spanish Armada
• Kind Phillip II wanted England to be Catholic • Kind Phillip II sent "Armada" to attack England in 1588. - Sent 130 warships, faster ships, longer range guns, English would take there guns and shoot the Spanish ships. -
Scientific Revolution
Scientific Revolution is used to indicate the historical period in which the modern methods of scientific inquiry were established. -
King Louis XIV and absolute rule
•Ruled Spain during one of most prosperous times. - Spanish colonies in Americas brought in incredible wealth, had most powerful navy. •He was a staunch Catholic - thought he was chosen by God to save Catholicism form the Protestants. -
Glorious Revolution
•King James II was CATHOLIC king of England •Parliament- like U.S. Congress - group of people who make laws/ decisions in government. •Parliament was Protestant so wanted to Protestant ruler •English nobles "invited" James' Protestant daughter Mary and her husband William to invade England •King James II fled to France (so peaceful "revolution") •Monarch's power is limited by Parliament (change to a limited government) •William and Mary signed a Bill of Rights, included: Parliament can ma -
it was the phisophical movement of intellectual -
Their architecture was one of the best with there Greek temples and there columns. Plays were created in Greece and all the people in the play were guys even of the characters were guys. The theatres were built into a hill so the sound was trapped.