WestBoro Baptist Church

  • WBC is Established

  • First Public Service

  • Began Actions Against Gays

    Began Actions Against Gays
  • WBC Began Travelling Across Country

  • Phelps Protests Holocaust Memorial Museum

    In 1996, Fred Phelps leads a protest as the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. against Jews.
  • Phelps Pickets 5 Churches

    Phelps Pickets 5 Churches
    On January 25, 2004, Phelps picketed five churches along with the Federal Courthouse for what he stated was "their part in legitimizing same-sex marriages in Iowa."
  • WBC Protests Sago Mine

    WBC Protests Sago Mine
    Westboro members protest a memorial for victims of the 2006 Sago Mine disaster. They claimed that the mining accident was "God's revenge against America for its tolerance of homosexuality."
  • Gordon Hinckley Funeral

    The group picketed the funeral of former LDS Church president ,Gordon B. Hinckley, in Salt Lake City, Utah, displaying picket signs accusing him of being a "lying false prophet."
  • 41,000 Protests

    WestBoro Baptist announces that they've participated in over 41,000 protest in over 650 cities sice they began protesting in 1991.
  • WBC Pickets Michael Jackson

  • WBC Sandy Hook Picketing

    WBC Sandy Hook Picketing
    Westboro announces on December 16, 2012, that they will be picketing at the funerals of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting.
  • WBC Praises God for the Moore Tornado

    WBC Praises God for the Moore Tornado
    On May 20, 2013, Westboro tweeted, praising God for the 2013 Moore tornado and announced that they would be picketing the victims' funerals.