Period: to
westward expansion
Louisana Purchase
These are one of the greatest events because it was a massive territory between United states and France owned by France until it was bought from United States for 15 billion dollars. It was bought because France was under debt from all the money people gave for this war so the needed this 15 billion dollar deal and gaved it to us. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lewix and Clark where on the quest trying to reach the Pacific Ocean maping out areas of the Louisiana Purchase and eventually made it to the Pacific Ocean -
Indian removal
this was important event I chose because this not only affect one Native tribe. It affect all Native tribe moving away from there massive lands and good farming also good food souces. This all happend when white settlers discoverd gold and good massive lands and farming. -
Texas Rebellion
The texas rebellion was to pick a good goverment and declare independence from mexico. -
Trail of Tears
Trail of Tears was know as hard, painful journey when native tribes were moved off there land. -
Oregon Trail
Oregan Trail a long trail from Missour to oregon. Bringing 300,000 people on the trail. -
Manifest Destiny
it was a smybol to show how things were in the united stated during Transcontental Railroad. -
Texas added to the Union
Texas officially in the statehood and becomes the 28th state. -
Brigham young leads 5,000 Mormons to Utah
this was a event that effect pioneers marching to Utah to make its first LDS church -
California Gold Rush
California Gold Rush was discoverd by James Marshall with peple rushing trying to strike at the gold. -
Forty Niners
Forty Niners is miners that moved in looking for gold. -
California is added to the union
California becomes the Thirty-fist state in the union. -
Pony Express
pony express is how mail was sent back in the old days before the Transcontinental telegraph was finish. -
The first Transcontinental Telegraph
the telegraph was established after the pony express. They used the telegraph because it was easir to transport messages. The pony express was shut down. -
Homestead Act
goverment offers land to people that would want to live on the land and agree to live on it for years but have to make improvments. -
Pacific Railroad Act
This act was to help fund a railroad leading form missour to California. (Transcontinental Railroad) -
Transcontinental Railroad
the transcontinental railroad was built for easy transpotation. -
Battle of Bighorn
Colonel George and his are at war with the Sioux and are wiped out while attempting to control the Great Plains. -
Wounded knee Massacre
US amry troops are injured including 300 Indians. This was the finial step of the war in the west. -
Arizona added to the Union
Arizona is one of the last of the 48 contiguous state.