West Timeline Project

  • Bureau of Indian Affairs

    Bureau of Indian Affairs
    It is an federal agency that is responsible for the land of Native Americans. It affected the distribution of Native American Land.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    It authorized the president to negotiate with Indians for their removal to federal terroritory. It was supported by many non-native americans who were eager to have access to the land.
  • Little Crow's War

    Little Crow's War
    The war between the U.S and several bands of Eastern Sioux. Little crow was the leader of one of the groups
  • Battle of Apache Pass

    Battle of Apache Pass
    A battle between Apache warriors and Union soldiers. This was a bloody battle that left no major changes.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    This offered anyone willing to settle in the west 160 acres of land if they agreed to build a home and farm the land for 5 years. This gave many people a place to start.
  • Dakota war of 1862

    Dakota war of 1862
    An armed conflict between the US and several bands of the Eastern Sioux. In ended in the execution of 38 Dakota men,
  • Cheyenne Uprising

    Cheyenne Uprising
    The Cheyenne agreed to the Fort Wise treaty to move onto the Sand Creek reservation. The Land was not fertile and it was really hard for them to survive.
  • Red Cloud's War

    Red Cloud's War
    It was an armed conflict between the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and the Northern Arapaho, they fought for contorl of the Powder River County. The Indians won and a treaty was signed.
  • Fetterman Massacre

    Fetterman Massacre
    A battle during the Red Cloud War, which led to an Indian victory and the withdrawl of U.S. from the war.
  • Pratt Boarding School

    Pratt Boarding School
    It was a flagship indian boarding school in the U.S. It helped train indians.
  • Fort Laramie Treaty

    Fort Laramie Treaty
    It was an agreement between the U.S. and multiple Indian groups that guaranteeing to Lakota the ownership of the Black Hills.
  • Completion of Trans-Cont R.R

    Completion of Trans-Cont R.R
    A railroad linking the East and West. It provided major transportation and traveling roots.
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    A Colorado militia attacked some peaceful indian tribes. Nearly 100 Indians were killed.
  • Indian Appropriations Act

    Indian Appropriations Act
    The Indian Appropriations Act is an Act that allocated funds to move indians onto reservations. This was to protect the Indians from the growing west by whites.
  • Camp Grant, AZ Apache massacre

    Camp Grant, AZ Apache massacre
    An attack on the Apaches by the U.S. The Pinal and Apaches surrendered to the U.S.
  • Comstock Lode

    Comstock Lode
    A lode of silver located under the eastern slope of Mount Davidson. It was the first major find of silver ore in the U.S.
  • The Lakota war

    The Lakota war
    A fight over land between the U.S and Native Americans. They wanted the natural resources and the U.S took over.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    A battle between several tribes and the U.S. over terroritory. The Native Americans won which was a big victory for these tribes.
  • Desert Land Act

    Desert Land Act
    An act passed by congress to promote the development of Western States. It sped up the growth in western states.
  • Capture of Nez Perce

    They battled with the U.S. until finally surrendering to the army. They were captured and put in camps.
  • Gunfight at O.K. Coral

    Gunfight at O.K. Coral
    An infamous gun fight in Arizona between outlaws. They fought for about 15 minutes and 3 people were killed.
  • Billy the Kid

    Billy the Kid
    A 19th century outlaw that was known for being a criminal. He ran away from prison and was shot dead on July 14th.
  • A Century of Dishonor by Helen Hunt Jackson

    A Century of Dishonor by Helen Hunt Jackson
    A book written that chronicals the events of Native Americans in the U.S. It was intended to change the minds of Congress but it received harsh criticism.
  • Capture of Geronimo

    Capture of Geronimo
    A fight between the Mexicans, U.S and Indian Tribes for the expansion of Apache land. Geronimo was captured and surrendered to U.S authorities.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    It authorized the President of the U.S. to survey American Indian Tribal Land and divide it into parts for individual Indians. This act led to dispossession of Native American land and other unfair events.
  • Edmunds Tucker Act

    Edmunds Tucker Act
    An act in response to polygamy in the U.S. The act was repealed in 1978.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    U.S troops and Native Americans fought for land at Wounded Knee Creek. Nearly 300 indians were killed and 25 soldiers.
  • Forest Reserve Act

    Forest Reserve Act
    An act that allowed the president of the U.S. to set aside land for reservations. They put forests into reserves for national forests.
  • Turner Thesis

    Turner Thesis
    An argument by Fredrick Turner that stressed moving the frontier line. This influenced the interpretation by thousands of scholarly histories.
  • Bill Cody's "Wild West Show"

    Bill Cody's "Wild West Show"
    Bill Cody preformed many cowboy themed shows throughout Europe and the U.S. His shows spread the ideas of the west.