Mouthpiece throws a "Stink bomb" in a Puerto Rican owned grocery.
Lt. Schrank and officer Krupke order the Jets to stop fighting the Sharks
The Jets contemplate a plan to challenge the Sharks to a rumble., to settle the dispute once and for all at the recreation dance that night.
Riff confronts Tony about coming to the dance as a Jet, and to stay loyal to his friend he begrudgingly accepts.
At the dance, Tony dances with Maria and they fall in love
The Sharks agree to meet the Jets to discuss plans for the fight at a Coffee house which is considered nuetral ground.
Tony meets Maria at her apartment and they confess their love for each other. They agree to meet the next day at the bridal shop at which Maria works.
At the coffee joint, the Jets and Sharks agree on a fair fight between Diesel and Bernardo with fists only.
The next day Maria is joyful until Anita tells her of the upcoming rumble. Maria begs tony to go to the fight and stop it.
Tony arrives at the rumble under the highway as the fight starts between Bernardo and Diesel. He tries to stop the fight and Bernardo stabs Riff with his switchblade by accident. In a fit of rage Tony kills Bernardo.
Chino arrives with the news that Tony killed Bernardo. Tony arrives and explains how he tried to stop the fight, maria is initially mad but gets over it.
Mourning Bernardo, Anita returns with the same news. Despite Maria's efforts, Anita finds out Tony was with her that night. Anita is mad but then she realizes how much Maria loves Tony, and tells her Chino's plans of killing Tony with Bernardo's gun.
Lt. Schrank arrives to question Maria, and Anita leaves to tell Tony what to do. On the way to Doc's shop, Anita is assaulted by A-Rab and Action. In anger Anita portrays the wrong message that maria is dead.
Feeling hopeless, Tony calls out for Chino to come kill him. As Maria reaches Tony, he is shot by Chino.
As Maria prepares to kill herself and chino, Doc steps in and removes the gun from her hand, and comforting her.