Visioning Meeting
It has been said, "How will you know when you get there if you never know where you are going?" The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss what the vision for the project is. -
Period: to
Analysis Phase
Once we have determined what our focus is and were we would like to be we need to take a harder look at where we actually are. -
DUE: Tech Vision
Needs Assesment
Distribute a needs assesment to teachers. -
DUE: Tech Evaluation
Small Group Meeting
Small group meeting to analyze the results of the needs assesment. we will also make a list of all of the needs (as brought up by the teachers or otherwise) and we will prioritize them. Finally, we will propose soultions to these needs and create a tentative action plan. -
DUE: Needs Assesment
Distribute tentative AP
Distribute the tentative action plan to the staff. Intruct them that they will be given one week to review the action plan before we have a large stakeholders meeting about how to proceed. -
Stakeholder Meeting
At this meeting all of the stakeholders will meet together to discuss any chages they would like to make to action plan they were sent a week ago. By the time this meeting is over all changes will be noted and a date for a final draft will be decided upon. -
DUE: Action Plan
DUE: Evaluation Plan
Final Plan Distributed to all Stakeholders