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Ernest Nagel (November 16, 1901 – September 20, 1985) - Felix C.

  • An Introduction to Logic and the Scientific Method

    An Introduction to Logic and the Scientific Method
    “An Introduction to Logic and the Scientific Method” explores the importance of creating hypothesis and one of the first and most successful books on the scientific method. “ They explored the study of empirical science through experimentation, emphasizing the role of hypotheses in conducting research.” “Ernest Nagel” New World Encyclopedia
  • Naturalism Address

    In 1954 Nagel gave a address to the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association. His speech was about naturalism. Nagel states, “ a generalized account of the cosmic scheme and of man's place in it, as well as a logic of inquiry.” According to Nagel, Naturalism was, “ the executive and causal primacy of matter in the executive order of nature.” “Naturalism” New World Encyclopedia
  • The Structure of Science

    https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Ernest_Nagel#The_Structure_of_Science “an examination of the logical structure of scientific concepts and the claims of knowledge in various sciences, was one of the earliest and most important works in the field of the philosophy of science. Nagel tried to show that the same logic of scientific explanation was valid in all sciences, and that the social and behavioral sciences could be reduced to physical science. ”