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Werner Heisenberg December 5th 1901- February 1st 1976

  • Birth

    Werner Heisenberg was born in Wurzburg, Bavaria, German empire
  • Uncertainty principle

    Uncertainty principle
    Werner Heisenberg develops and shares his “imprecision” principle with Wolfgang Pauli
  • Solution for ferromagnetism

    Solution for ferromagnetism
    Werner Heisenberg uses the Pauli exclusion principle to bring greater understanding to the phenomena of ferromagnetism
  • Quantum field theory

    Quantum field theory
    Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli submit the first of two papers laying the foundation of quantum field theory
  • Nobel prize

    Nobel prize
    Werner Heisenberg is awarded the Nobel prize in physics for his creation of the study of quantum mechanics which has led to the identification of allotropic forms of hydrogen
  • Positron theory

    Positron theory
    Werner Heisenberg presents his theory on the positron
  • Remarks on Dirac’s theory

    Remarks on Dirac’s theory
    Werner Heisenberg publishes a paper commenting on Paul Dirac’s theory about the positron
  • Death

    Werner Heisenberg passed away from kidney cancer in Munich, Bavaria,West Germany
  • Heisenberg uncertainty principle “applied”

    Heisenberg uncertainty principle “applied”
    The infinite improbability drive is created