
Werner Heisenberg

  • Birth

  • The Quantum Mechanic

    The leading theory of the atom when Heisenberg entered the University of Munich in 1920 was the quantum theory of Bohr, Sommerfeld, and their co-workers. Although the theory had been highly successful in certain situations, during the early 1920s three areas of research indicated that this theory was inadequate and would need to be replaced. By July 1925 Heisenberg had an answer, but the mathematics was so unfamiliar that he was not sure if it made any sense.
  • Uncertainty Principal

    In May 1926 Schrödinger published a proof that matrix and wave mechanics gave equivalent results: mathematically they were the same theory. He also argued for the superiority of wave mechanics over matrix mechanics. This provoked an angry reaction, especially from Heisenberg, who insisted on the existence of discontinuous quantum jumps rather than a theory based on continuous waves. Link text
  • Fission Research

    When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, Heisenberg was already drafted into a reserve mountain infantry unit to design an Atomic Bomb
  • Bringing German Science Back

    Werner Heisenberg Was the President of the German Research Council to work with international affairs.Heisenberg successfully urged the creation of a cabinet-level nuclear energy ministry, and served as a leading member of various federal and state atomic commissions. Within a decade, West Germany was a leading exporter of nuclear technology. Heisenberg also worked tirelessly to reestablish international relations.
  • Death