
Werner Heisenberg (Dec. 5th, 1901- Feb. 1st, 1976)

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    Werner Heisenberg - Early Life and Accomplishments

    Heisenberg was a very influential and brilliant German philosopher and physicist. Werner Heisenberg was the son of August Heisenberg and Anna Wecklein.
    Heisenberg attended the University of Munich in 1920 and wrote his dissertation in 1923 on hydrodynamics for his doctorate.
  • Quantum Mechanics

    In 1925, Heisenberg discovered a way to use matrices in order to formulate quantum mechanics. This discovery lead to him winning a Noble Prize in 1932.
  • Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

    In 1927, Heisenberg published his uncertainty principle. This principle states that we cannot measure the position and speed of a particle at the same time. The closer we get to measuring the value of one, the other is farther away. This principle was essential to the developing world of quantum physics. This video will explain it better: (
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    Later Work

    Werner Heisenberg was a key element in Germany's involvement in the founding of the European Council for Nuclear Research, also known as CERN in 1952. In 1958, Heisenberg continued on his research in quantum physics, with the goal of having a "comprehensive quantum field theory". He did so with "scattering matrices", then later using a minimum universal length in his search. He retired in 1970, after having stint in Munich at the Max Planck Institute of Physics in directorship.