Werner heisenberg

Werner Heisenberg 1901-1976

  • Birth

    Werner Heisenberg was born in Würzburg Germany to upper middle class parents Anna and August Heisenberg. “Heisenberg, Werner.” The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2018.
    Lee, M. Werner Karl Heisenberg. Great Neck Publishing, 2006.
  • Zeitschrift fu ̈ r Physik

    Heisenberg published a paper describing a new set of equations for calculating the position and momentum of subatomic particles. (Particles smaller than an atom) He did this because he wanted to construct a new quantum theory based on data he could see as the widely accepted theory at the time could not be proven with the technology that existed at that time. Lee, M. Werner Karl Heisenberg. Great Neck Publishing, 2006.
  • Matrix Mechanics

    This year Heisenberg developed a form of quantum theory called Matrix Mechanics. “Heisenberg, Werner.” The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2018.
  • Uncertainty Principle

    Heisenberg announced what would come to be his most significant contribution to physics, The Uncertainty Principle. With this principle he showed that experimentally you cannot measure with absolute precision both the position and momentum of an electron. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQKELOE9eY4 Lustig, Harry. “The Life and Times of Werner Heisenberg.” Physics in Perspective, vol. 12, no. 4, SP Birkhäuser Verlag Basel, 2010, pp. 470–96, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00016-010-0034-5.
  • Period: to

    College Professer

    Heisenberg taught at the University of Leipzig after being offered a full professorship at the age of only 25. “Heisenberg, Werner.” The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2018.
    Lee, M. Werner Karl Heisenberg. Great Neck Publishing, 2006.
  • Nobel Prize

    Heisenberg receives a Nobel Prize in Physics. “Heisenberg, Werner.” The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2018.
  • Joining the Nazi Party

    Heisenberg joined the German fission-research project as its leading theoretician, where he participated in experiments to build a nuclear reactor. Lustig, Harry. “The Life and Times of Werner Heisenberg.” Physics in Perspective, vol. 12, no. 4, SP Birkhäuser Verlag Basel, 2010, pp. 470–96, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00016-010-0034-5.
  • Max Planck Institue

    Heisenberg became the director of the Max Planck Institute of Physics and Astrophysics after his 6 month imprisonment in Cambridge after the fall of the Nazi's. He chose to devote the rest of his life to researching high energy particle physics. “Heisenberg, Werner.” The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2018.
    Lee, M. Werner Karl Heisenberg. Great Neck Publishing, 2006.
  • Physics and Philosophy

    Heisenberg published his book Physics and Philosophy. “Heisenberg, Werner.” The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2018.
  • Physics and Beyond

    Heisenberg published his book Physics and Beyond. “Heisenberg, Werner.” The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2018.
  • Death

    Heisenberg passed away after a battle with cancer. “Heisenberg, Werner.” The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2018.
    Lee, M. Werner Karl Heisenberg. Great Neck Publishing, 2006.