Werner Heisenberg (1901/12/05 - 1976/02/01)

  • Bibliography

    He was born on December 5, 1901 in Würzburg and studied at the University of Munich. In 1923 he was an assistant to the German physicist Max Born at the University of Göttingen, and from 1924 to 1927, he enjoyed a scholarship from the Rockefeller Foundation to work alongside the physicist Niels Bohr at the University of Copenhagen. He was professor of theoretical physics at the University of Leipzig in 1927.
  • Quantum Mechanics

    In 1925 he began the development of a quantum mechanics system, called matrix mechanics, in which the mathematical formulation was based on the frequencies and amplitudes of the radiation absorbed and emitted by the atom and on the energy levels of the atomic system. He postulated the relationship of uncertainty in 1927, and formulated, together with Wolfgang Pauli, the quantum theory of wave fields.
  • Protons and Neutrons

    In 1932 he recognized protons and neutrons as components of the atomic nucleus. His equation related to the unit field theory of sub-particles is known throughout the world as the Heisenberg universal formula. In 1932, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics.
  • Death

    Werner Heisenberg passed away in Munich on February 1, 1976.