Germany lost WW1
Bret-Litovsk peace treaty was signed -
Peace conference
Big Three presented their aims and motives -
Treaty of Versailles
article 231 said Germany and Central Powers were responsible for war. war caused in 1914 -
treaty of Saint Germain
with Austria
Austria Hungary dissolved. Lost territory -
treaty of Neuilly
with Bulgaria. -Lost territory
-army reduced
-no airforce
-100M pounds in reparations
"catastrophe" -
Coup of Berlin
command of Wolfgang Kapp state a coup -
treaty of Trianon
with Hungary.
Hungarian economy close to bankrupt. paid nothing to Allies -
treaty of Sèrves
with Turkey. Tearing apart of Ottoman Empire.
Territory awarded to UK, France, Greece, Italy -
Matthias Erzberger
Finance minister. Murdered in black forest by ORGANISATION CONSUL -
Walter Rathenau
Foreign minister. also murdered by organisation consul. -
Impact on Germany
poverty, indignation, depression -
Rhineland- French and Belgians invited -
prices increased -
treaty of Lausanne
with Turkey. Boundaries were set. No reparations or military restrictions.