welcoming refugees in our city

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    the number of intergrated refugees

    the number of intergrated refugees
    The number of refugees intergrated in our city should correspond to the number of city's population. In this way refugees will be accomondated quickly and comfortably . Moreover, as intergration is metioned, local people can aid refugees feel safe and cozy by treating them with kindness, inviting them to join in group meetings .
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    entrepreneurship developed

    entrepreneurship developed
    Refugees can conduce to the development of the city's entrepreneurship. One way this can be succeeded is refugees be employed in any buissnes needs help in production . Another option is to invite them help in farming wich is the mainstay of the northern areas' economy. Also . there are many employment opportunities for women working in house cleaning , as waitresses in local restaurants , and men in farming , craftsmen and local buisnesses.
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    the ways school can hep refugees

    the ways school can hep refugees
    There are several ways our school can help refugees. Firstly , our school can intergrate them by welcoming them in it . In this way cildren will have the opportunity to learn the greek language so they can communicate . Also , in order to continue their native education, our school could hire teachers able to teach them in their language . Plus , school would be great to organise a charity and fund some of the needs of refugees .
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    the mainstay of the area's economy

    the mainstay of the area's economy
    The potential benefits for our local community are enough to enrich the economy and employ not only local people , but also refugees . Refugees aid local community by possibly knowing different languages that locals don't . This is an opportunity of more foreign clients visiting the local buisnesses . In this manner means a lot to the locals because they get better incomes .
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    accomondation offered

    accomondation offered
    The accomondation offered to refugees could be abadoned houses or even city's hotels that will be undertaken by NGO payment method of nominal rent . Also , locals can donate old clothes , toys or food . Something else that is important is volunteering in any way possible so they can be pleased . That would be providing blankets, pillows and warm clothes .